Unplanned Move

Article06/09/20231 min read

This activity allows the user to move items between warehouse bins. It is broken into two phases: Take and Put. In the Take phase, the user specifies warehouse bins and the items that will be taken from them. These pending movements are maintained in a separate, user-specific bin until the Put phase. During the Put phase, the user indicates the bin or bin into which the selected items will be moved.

In addition to being available for selection in the Action menu on the home screen, the Move activity can be launched in the following ways:

  • With the home screen open, pressing the F7 button on the handheld device.
  • Entering or scanning the name of the location code or bin code, depending on setup, from which the Take phase will begin in the quick scan area on the home screen.
  • Clicking the Move icon in the Tile view or the Move option in the list view on the home screen.