Mobile Setup

Article • 12/27/2023 • 13 min read

The Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration extension must be configured so that mobile transactions can be processed according to desired values. These settings are entered on the Mobile Setup page.

On the Mobile Setup page, on the action bar, choose Actions > Create Default Setup to create all default setup data in the following pages:

Keep in mind that all existing setup from these pages will be deleted and the default setup data will be inserted when this function is executed.

When performing the Create Default Setup action on the Mobile Setup page, the fields are automatically filled with the report IDs of the supplied sample RDLC reports.

General FastTab

The description of the fields on the General FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

Default Language CodeEnter the language code that will be assigned by default to mobile users. It is possible to configure Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration to display text according to different language codes. If a specific language code is not assigned to a mobile user, he or she will view text statements according to the default code.
Log Response XMLEnable the toggle to create entries for all mobile activity in a separate log table. In addition to some basic information, the related XML is captured with each log entry, and is available for viewing. Please note that the creation of log entries may have an adverse effect on overall performance. As logging is not required for day-to-day activity, it is recommended that it only be activated for troubleshooting problems that occur with Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration.
Phys. Warn. on Curr. vs. Calc.Enable the toggle to instruct Dynamics 365 Business Central to warn the user of discrepancies between an item’s current on hand quantity and its calculated quantity as it appears in a physical inventory journal line. When a physical inventory line is initially calculated, the item’s on hand quantity at the time of calculation is entered on that line. However, it may be that changes to the item’s quantity are made between the time of a physical inventory journal’s calculation and its posting. If a check mark is placed in this field, attempting to post a physical inventory adjustment will produce a warning if any such discrepancies exist for the items on the journal lines. If an item is lot tracked or stored in separate locations/bins, only changes to the quantity in the relevant lot, location, or bin will provoke a warning. For example, if a physical inventory journal line currently exists for lot 123 of a particular item and we make changes to the on hand quantity of lot 456, Business Central would not produce a warning when we attempted to post the journal. Please note that this functionality is only applicable to the Physical Inventory Journal page that is included as part of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration solution and was developed specifically to be used in conjunction with a mobile action; it will have no impact on processing activities that occur in the standard Business Central Physical Inventory Journal page.
Phys. Chck Item Dupl. on Calc.Enable the toggle to prevent the addition of the same item to multiple physical inventory journal batches. When the calculate inventory process is run to populate lines in a physical inventory journal batch, any records that meet the criteria of defined filters but are already present in an existing physical inventory journal batch will be skipped. This may be useful in situations where every mobile user enters physical inventory results in a separate batch, as it will prevent the inadvertent entry of duplicate data. Quantities stored in separate locations or bins, or with different lot numbers, will still be added to journal batches. For example, if a physical journal line currently exists for lot 123 of a particular item and we include that same item in the calculation of a separate journal batch, lot 123 would be skipped, but lot 456 would be added. Please note that this functionality is only applicable to the Physical Inventory Journal page that is included as part of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration solution and was developed specifically to be used in conjunction with a mobile action; will have no impact on processing activities that occur in the standard Business Central Physical Inventory Journal page.
Max. Mobile Phys. Inv. Qty.Enter the maximum quantity that users will be able to enter for a given item when performing the Count in Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration activity. Attempting to record a quantity greater than the defined maximum will result in a message to the user indicating that the entered value is too large. Defining a maximum quantity can help to prevent the entry of incorrect quantity data. Please note that if the Count activity has been configured to allow for multiple cumulative counts against the same item, the maximum quantity restriction will be applied to individual quantity entries, not the cumulative total. For example, if we defined a maximum mobile physical inventory quantity of 10 and attempted to enter a count of 20 units, the application would prevent us from doing so. We could, however, enter a count of 10 units followed by a second count of 10 units, resulting in a cumulative total of 20 units.
User Bin TypeEnterto specify a bin type code that will be assigned to user-specific bins. When a mobile user records item movements within a warehouse, Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration creates a user-specific bin in which the items are temporarily stored. If a user bin type code has been defined, this code will be assigned to user-specific bins, and only the warehouse activities that have been enabled for that code will be permitted. It is highly recommended that the user bin type code have all available warehouse activities disabled. This will ensure that these bins are not inadvertently included in warehouse activities such as picks and shipments.
Create Pick OptionChoose Per Zone or Per Bin from the drop-down to select the manner in which Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registrationwill create picks. When a mobile user enters or scans a sales order that does not already have associated pick documents, Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration will automatically create these picks according to the selected create pick option. It is possible to indicate that picks should be created per zone or per bin, meaning that a separate pick will be created for every zone/bin that appears on the sales order. If this field is left blank, the application will create a single pick for the sales order.
Pick Same Item NextEnable the toggle to instruct Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration to present separate pick lines for the same item sequentially. The pick’s standard sorting method will be adjusted so that each item that occurs next in the picking sequence is immediately followed by any other pick requests for the same item, regardless of where in the sequence these other pick lines fall. This is useful in scenarios where a company wishes to prevent too much backtracking throughout the warehouse in order to pick the same item multiple times as part of the same pick activity.
Sum FEFO Assigned Lots on PickEnable the toggle to summarize multiple pick lines for different lots of the same FEFO controlled item into a single mobile picking requirement in Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration. For example, if Business Central used FEFO criteria to generate two pick lines for the same item, but with the first line being for 10 units of lot 123 and the second line being for 10 units of lot 456, Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration would present this as a single picking requirement of 20 units for lot 123. In this scenario, recording less than 20 units of lot 123 would result in Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration instructing the user to pick the remaining quantity from lot 456. The benefit of summarizing these lines is that, if a greater quantity of a given lot is available than what is recognized by Business Central, the user can complete the picking activity for the item in a single action, rather than multiple picks of different lots. Please note, however, that it is generally not recommended that pick lines be summarized in this manner, since it can create discrepancies with other outstanding picks.
Sum Bins on PickEnable the toggle to summarize multiple pick lines for different bins of the same item into a single mobile picking requirement in Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration. For example, if Business Central generated two pick lines for the same item, but with the first line being for 10 units in bin A and the second line being for 10 units in bin B, Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration would present this as a single picking requirement of 20 units in bin A. In this scenario, recording less than 20 units in bin A would result in Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration instructing the user to pick the remaining quantity from bin B. The benefit of summarizing these lines is that, if a greater bin quantity of the item is available than what is recognized by Business Central, the user can complete the picking activity for the item in a single action, rather than multiple picks in different bins.
Label Printing MethodChoose the type of Label Printing from the drop-down. It specifies if the standard RDLC report must be used to create and print labels when using the handheld unit. If the field has been set up with Labeling, the printing will be executed via the Aptean Food & Beverage Labeling extension.
GS1 AI (31 and 33) KG UoM CodeSpecifies the unit of measure code of the item if the scanned barcode on the warehouse receipt line contains the GS1 application identifier 31 and 33.
GS1 AI (32 and 34) LBS UoM CodeSpecifies the unit of measure code for the item if the scanned barcode on the warehouse receipt line contains the GS1 application identifier 32 and 34.

Numbering FastTab

The description of the fields on the Numbering FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

Barcode Setup Nos.Specifies the number series that will be used to assign unique numbers to barcode formats.

Movement FastTab

The description of the fields on the Movement FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

Movement Journal Template NameSpecifies the Item Journal Template List with type transfer, that will be used when performing the Move activity on the handheld unit.

License Plating FastTab

If you also use the Aptean Food and Beverage License Plating extension, the License Plating FastTab is visible as well.

The description of the fields on the License Plating FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

New License Plate No. PatternSpecifies the new license plate number pattern. A license plate number with this layout must be entered when partially picking/moving on the handheld unit. If the starting number for the pick license plate is for example NLP00001, then the new license plate number pattern should be NLP#####, where the numbers must be replaced with a hash sign.

Printing FastTab

The description of the fields on the Printing FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

Label Printing MethodSpecifies if the standard RDLC report must be used to create and print labels when using the mobile device. The printing is executed via the Aptean Food & Beverage Labeling extension if the field has been set up with Labelling.
Lot Tag Report IDSpecifies the identification number of the lot tag report. This report is used to create and print the lot label from the mobile device if Label Printing Method has been set up with the RDLC report.
Receiving Label Report IDSpecifies the identification number of the receiving label report. This report is used to create and print the receiving label from the mobile device.
License Plate Report IDSpecifies the identification number of the license plate report. This report is used to create and print the License Plate from the mobile device if Label Printing Method has been set up with the RDLC report.
License Plate Report ID (Unposted)Specifies the identification number of the unposted license plate report. This report is used to create and print the unposted License Plate from the mobile device if Label Printing Method has been set up with the RDLC report.

App FastTab

It is possible to set up Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration to automatically upgrade to newer software versions from handheld units. When a new version of Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration is released, it must be placed in an online location that is accessible to your mobile devices.

The description of the fields on the App FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

App VersionSpecifies the new version of Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration to which you will upgrade. Because it is possible to store multiple versions in the same location, it is necessary to specify which one should be used for automatic upgrades.
App Install URLSpecifies the URL for the location in which the new versions of Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration has been stored. When the user logs in to Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration on a handheld unit, the application will compare its version to the version that has been specified in the App Version field. If the value in this field is more recent than the current version, the application will automatically install the specified version from the app install URL.
App LocaleSpecifies the app locale/region settings. The region defines display formats, for example, for dates, numbering, symbols, and currency.
FTP URLSpecifies the FTP URL that is used for uploading the log file from the mobile app.
FTP UsernameSpecifies the FTP URL that is used for uploading the log file from the mobile app.
FTP PasswordSpecifies the password for the FTP account that is used for uploading the log file from the mobile app.

Production FastTab

The description of the fields on the Production FastTab on the Mobile Setup page are as follows:

Output Lot No.Specifies the lot number of the output per production order, per output or pre-assigned lot.

Login Credentials FastTab

The description of the fields on the Login Credentials FastTab on the Mobile Setup page is as follows:

Tenant IDDisplays the unique identification number associated with a tenant. It is used to distinguish the data and resources of each tenant within the application.
Client IDSpecifies the unique identification number assigned to each client or user of the application. It is used to distinguish and track individual clients within the application. The Client ID is not auto-populated. You can contact the Aptean consultant to set up your Client ID.
URLDisplays the webpage address used for the login process.

You can print the QR codes of the login credentials with the following steps:

  1. Open the Mobile Setup page.
  2. On the action bar, select Related > Print Login Credentials.
    The Print Login Credentials report page opens.
  3. On the Option FastTab, turn on the Print Tenant ID toggle to generate the QR code of the Tenant ID.
  4. Turn on the Print Client ID toggle to generate the QR code of the Client ID.
  5. Turn on the Print URL to generate the QR code of the URL.
  6. Turn on the Print Single Token toggle if you prefer a single QR code containing all the information of the Tenant ID, Client ID, and URL.

The Print Tenant ID, Print Client ID, and Print URL toggles are turned on by default.

  1. Select Print.
    The QR codes of the login credentials are printed in Word layout.