Mobile Queue

Article06/09/20232 min read

This activity combines all the other mobile activities into queues that are assigned on a user-by-user basis. This is useful in a number of different scenarios:

  • If a user performs many different mobile activities, the queue provides a single, centralized place for him or her to see the list of tasks that need to be completed, rather than needing to open each mobile activity separately.
  • It facilitates the assignment of activities at the warehouse location or equipment level. For example, if the warehouse has a cold storage area in which users with cold-resistant handheld units operate, it may be convenient to assign all activities that take place within that area to the users with the proper devices. Another scenario would be different forklifts or other pieces of warehouse equipment that can place and take items from the uppermost bin levels, while other pieces of equipment cannot. In that situation, we would want to ensure that picks, movements, and put-aways featuring items on these top shelves are performed by those users with the appropriate equipment.

In addition to being available for selection in the Action menu on the home screen, the Mobile Queue activity can be launched by clicking the Queue icon on the home screen: