
Article04/08/20242 min read

The License Plate Information activity can be configured for a particular mobile profile by entering LPINFO in the Page field on the Mobile Profile Setup page.

The descriptions of the fields are explained here:

  • Show Content Tab: Indicates whether mobile users will have the ability to access the Content tab that contains extra information about the license plate.

In addition, it is possible to indicate the specific fields from the License Plate No. Information table that will be available for display on the License Plate Information page by selecting the Profile Page Fields option.

The Mobile Profile Pages page presents the fields that will be displayed to users to whom the relevant mobile profile has been assigned. The fields are displayed according to the value in the Sort Order field. You can edit the values in this field to sequence the order in which the fields will be displayed.

In the Field Name field, you define the field that you want to display. Any field from the Lot No. table can be entered here. No spaces or punctuation (such as periods that typically appear at the end of abbreviated words) may be used. Please be aware that this is a text field, and all values must be entered manually. The profile setup that is included with the Aptean Food and Beverage Mobile Warehouse Registration extensions ‘Create Default Setup’ action on the Mobile Setup page, has already been configured to include all necessary settings.

In the Field Label field, you can define the label that will be assigned to the field when it is displayed to mobile users.

You must specify the fields that will be accessible for every mobile profile that will utilize the License Plate Information activity. This allows different types of information to be available to different profiles.