Label Print on Partial License Plate Movement

Article04/17/20242 min read

When the unplanned partial movement process is completed for the lots or items from one License Plate to another, it leads to an automatic printing process of the respective label. You need to perform the below setups prior to initiating the printing label process automatically:

  • On the Mobile Setup page, on the Printing FastTab, choose Labeling in the Label Printing Method field.

  • On the Mobile Profile Setup page, in the Profile field, choose WMS, and then in the Page field, choose Movement.

  • In the Mobile Profile Setup table, choose the following Values for the respective Descriptions:

    • Require Complete Movement
    • Allow Negative Shipping/Pick by Bin
    • Require Reason Code for Move
    • Allow Check Out / Negative Adjustment
    • Only allow movements in the default location
    • Require Reason Code on Check Out
    • Auto Print New License Plate Label
    • Auto Print Source License Plate Label

Follow the below steps to automatically print the label:

  1. Repeat steps 1 through 6 in Partial movement to a new License Plate.
  2. Select the Search icon , enter Label Output Files, and then choose the related link.
    You can find the information of the selected Label Output File in the fields of the Elements FastTab.

During partial unplanned movement of items or lots from one License Plate to another, you can find the License Plate No. for the scanned item on the associated Bin location in the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app. Choose the AssistEdit button on the Move page, and then choose My Items to find the License Plate No. field.