Creation of SSCC Header and SSCC Lines for License Plate Numbers

Article06/09/20232 min read

When the Warehouse Pick is registered for each License Plate number, the SSCC headers and SSCC lines are created on the Mobile Scan Entries page.

  1. Select the Pick icon on the home screen of the mobile device to open the Pick page.
  2. Enter or scan the Warehouse Pick number for a customer on the Pick/SO/Trans/WMS No. field for a customer.
  3. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate number of the physical pallet.
  4. Scan the item, variant, lot number and shipping container.
  5. Enter the quantity.
    An error occurs when the quantity on the License plate is more than the quantity on the pick line.
  6. Scan a new License Plate.
    The License Plate should match the Customer SSCC number.
  7. Scan the Take License Plate number.
  8. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the item number.
  9. Approve if the shipping container code is correct.
  10. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the lot number.
  11. Fill in the value in the Qty. Handled field.

While registering the Warehouse Pick, the pick quantities are automatically transferred to the new License Plate number. An SSCC header and SSCC line are created. The pick quantity is filled for the corresponding Warehouse Pick line.

When you post the warehouse shipment document, the SSCC Header and SSCC Lines are moved to the Posted SSCC Header and SSCC Lines.


When registering the Warehouse Pick, the label for the new license plate is printed automatically if the Auto Print License Plate Label on the Mobile Profile Setup page with the PICK page is enabled.

For the multiple scan entries with multiple lots for the same SSCC header, a check should happen if the SSCC header is already present. Then, a new SSCC line for each mobile entry should be created.

When the same item number or lot number is scanned multiple times for the same License Plate number or SSCC number, multiple Mobile Scan Entries are created. When executing the transfer scan data and register warehouse pick function, the total item/lot should be calculated to create the corresponding Item Tracking Lines for the Warehouse Shipment line. After posting the warehouse shipment line, corresponding Item Ledger Entries are created.