Business Central Activity II

Article08/22/20231 min read

When a counting activity is recorded against a particular Physical Inventory Journal line via Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration, the amount is not entered directly into the Qty. (Phys. Inventory) and Qty. (Phys. Inventory)(Whse.) fields. Instead, this data is maintained in separate fields called Scan Quantity (Base) and Scan Quantity (Whse). The No. of Scans field specifies how many times the scan action has been performed.

You can use the Update Item Tracking function to automatically add item tracking lines with the relevant data for the records.

Before the journal lines can be posted, a user must manually update the relevant fields. This is achieved by clicking on the Transfer Scan Entries option.

The values in the scan quantity fields will be automatically copied to their corresponding physical inventory quantity fields on each line. The journal is now ready to be posted.


If you also use the Aptean Food and Beverage License Plating extension, when handling items that are license plate tracked, when you post the journal lines on the Physical Inventory Journals page, the quantity of items are updated and can be seen on the License Plate Card.