What's new in version 2301.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


The following enhancements have been made in this release:

  • On the Mobile Profile Setup page, on the General FastTab, if the Profile and Page fields are set to WMS and Receipt codes respectively, Show “Ignore Parsing” Barcode Button is set to No by default. When you change it to Yes, the Ignore Parsing toggle will be displayed on the Receive page in the MWR application.
  • Parsing by default is set to Yes by default. When you change it to No, the system will ignore the GS1 Bar Code parsing process.
  • When the Ignore Parsing toggle is turned on, the GS1 EAN barcode parsing or any other additional processing is bypassed and the entered barcode value is used.

Parsing refers to a detailed analysis and decoding of a coded message. This process systematically deconstructs GS1 barcode strings data into a format that aligns with the applications’ data structure.