What's new in version 1.12.110910.0

Article09/16/20241 min read


With the feature added in this release of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app, you can:

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Finished Weight, Remaining Weight, and Weight to Output fields have been added to the Production Output page to display the respective quantities when you scan a Catch Weight Item.
  • The WeightQuantitytoHandle, WeightQuantityHandled, and RemainingWhtQty fields have been added to the Production table. You can select the AssistEdit button on the top left corner of the Production Output page and then choose Details.
  • The Consumed Weight, Remaining Weight, and Weight to Consume fields have been added to the Production Consume page to display the respective quantities when you scan a Catch Weight Item.