Set up Active Ingredient Fields

Article02/02/20241 min read
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the Item Card then the Drink-IT Foundation FastTab.
  3. Fill the fields Strength 1, Strength 2, or Strength 3. Respectively Volume 1 , Volume 2, or Volume 3.
  4. On Beverage Production FastTab,
    • Fill in the field Active Ingredient Strength related the strength of the item. Hover over a field to read the tooltip.
    • Fill in the field Active Ingredient Volume related the volume of the item. Hover over a field to read the tooltip.

In case the Active ingredient Strength field is set to Strength 3, the field Additional Strength Code should be filled.

In case the Active Ingredient Volume field is set to Volume 3, the field Additional Volume Code should be filled.

See also

Variable Strength Items

Setting Up Drink-IT Foundation setup