Recalculate Component Quantity with Active Ingredient Field

Article02/05/20242 min read

In this article

Reset Component


See also

The expected quantity of an Active Ingredient Production Order Component will be recalculated depending on the strength of the selected lot Nos.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Released Prod. Orders, and then select the related link.
    The Released Production Orders page opens.

  2. Select a No.
    The Released Production Order page opens.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Components.
    The Prod. Order Components page opens.

    You can personalize the page by adding the field Expected volume By strength, Active Ingredient, Active ingredient Strength Code, and Active Ingredient Expected strength.

  4. On the Prod. Order Components page, select the AssitEdit button > Line > Item Tracking Line. On the Item Tracking Line page, select the Select Entries by Volume*Strength action. This function is only enabled for components with the active ingredient flag.

  5. In this page , the Quantity Selected column represents the volume by strength (You can add the strength field to this page).

  6. After closing the Select Entries page , the item tracking page may show an undefined quantity of the active ingredient. That will be adjusted after closing the Item Tracking page.

  7. Now the Production Order Component page will show recalculated expected quantities of both the active ingredient and the depending component.


The Assign Tracking by FEFO and Assign FEFO by Volume*Strength actions can be used on the Consumption Journal, Production Journal, and Prod. order Components pages.

Reset Component

If you have removed the item tracking you can recalculate the original quantities by either refreshing the production order or by the function Reset Component.

  1. Open Prod. Order Components of the released production order.

  2. Select the AssitEdit button and then select Actions > Active Ingredient > Reset Component.

    The original expected quantities will be back.


Reporting on volumes and strengths is supported by Aptean Beverage Foundation Management and Alcohol Balance.

Include volumes or weights in Analysis Reports

Inventory movements Qty, Volume and Weight

Overview of the inventory movements for Alcohol

Verify the Alcohol losses entries


Refreshing the production order may not be possible because of entries or other item tracking lines. Then you should use the function Reset Component.

The active ingredient adjustment based on strength is supported in the Production Order Components page for the Firm planned and Released production order.

See also

Aptean Beverage Foundation Management