Relation with other apps

Article02/05/20246 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Manufacturing extension. The exercise can be performed in the Cronus Demo company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your Cronus Demo in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 6 - Relation with other apps

Some features are enabled from other NORRIQ or Drink-it Apps, but form a relevant part in Manufacturing Beverage.

Alcohol Balance

Master Data

Search Reason Codes

Reason codes should be defined for explaining losses in Litre-alcohol in production orders.

  • View the reason codes that have Losses = yes.
  • You can create new reason codes for alcohol losses, just check that field.

Released Production order

Search Released production orders

View the order for 1000 Litre of item 7700 ‘Alcohol semifinished 50%’.

  • Select the production order line and click Line – Prod. Journal.
  • The first (consumption) line shows item 6490 ‘Raw Alcohol 96’.
  • Click Assign FEFO by volume*strength.
  • Change the quantity of the last (output) line into 900.
    • Open the Item Tracking page for this line and assign a lot no. (strength 50 ABV).
  • Post the journal.
  • Back in the Production Order page: notice the volumes FactBox:
    • Total Litre-Alcohol (Consumption)
    • Total Litre-Alcohol (Output)
  • Notice there is a difference and it is more than the tolerance set for this output item (0.5% on item card, Alcohol Balance FastTab).
  • Click Change Status and updated it to Finished.
    • Message: you can not finish it because of the losses in litre-alcohol.
  • Click Register Alcohol Loss.
    • When you open it for the first time: select Volume: L and Strength: ABV.
    • It shows the loss as undefined difference, in the footer of the page.
    • Create one or multiple lines, select a reason code (LOSSXXX) and fill the Volume-Strength (Litre-Alcohol).
    • When there is no undefined difference anymore, click Register.
  • Click Change Status and updated it to Finished.

Search Finished Production orders

Find the production order you just finished.

  • Open Related Entries and view the Loss Entries.

Alcohol Balance reports

Search Alcohol Balance Summary

In the request page of this report fill

  • Options
    • Starting date 1-1-22
    • Ending date 31-12-22
    • Volume: Litre
    • Strength: ABV
    • Show Casks: yes
  • Filters; set a filter on relevant items (that contain alcohol)
    • Item category code: 141|44*|54*
    • Location filters: select your bonded locations only: BLUE_BOND|BLUE_PROD

The report shows:

  • opening stock in Litres and Litre-alcohol, increases, decreases, losses, and the end stock.
  • per item one line.
  • the Cronus Raw Whisky in Cask item has sub lines per Cask (Service item of Service item type = Cask).
  • a total line.

Search Alcohol Balance Detail

In the request page of this report fill

  • Options
    • Starting date 1-1-22
    • Ending date 31-12-22
    • Volume: Litre
    • Strength: ABV
  • Filters; set a filter on relevant items (that contain alcohol)
    • Item category code: 141|44*|54*
    • Location filters: select your bonded locations only: BLUE_BOND|BLUE_PROD

This report shows per item

  • opening stock in Litres and Litre-alcohol
  • per item ledger entry a line for increases or decreases
  • in case of losses: a line per Loss code
  • end stock in Litres and Litre-alcohol

Quality Control Management

Manufacturing Beverage features functions properly without having installed Aptean Quality Control Management (QCM). When QCM is installed, it is mostly integrated in production processes.

Quality tests can be defined and registered for:

  • Lot information no (register strength and other quality measures for a lot)
  • Production routing line (in process tests)

Properties (Business Central Accelerator)


Define properties for the item table to be used on the MFA setup time matrix (see next). Properties that determine change-over time (add. setup time) in (filling) production orders, like

  • product type (water, lemonade…; bright beer, dark beer…; vodka, liqueur…)
  • package size/type (33CL bottles, 50 CL, 70 CL…)
  • other

Search Properties

View properties on the item table (t.27) for bottle size and product type. They are of type Code-List. View the Code-List values via related – property values.

Search Property Management

Perhaps convenient to view properties on the item cards and in the items list page.

  • Show global properties on card pages: yes
  • Enable global properties in list pages: yes


Search Items. Filter on your NAME items

On Properties FastTab, select a value for:

  • Product type
  • Bottle Size

Setup Time Calculation matrix (Manufacturing Accelerator)

Search Work Centres. Select your filling/packaging work centres. View Work center BW500 packaging BIRMINGHAM.

View the Setup time Calculation bucket.

  • This will determine what orders will be shifted in planning consecutively. Select Day, Week or Month.
  • Eg. whole week continuous filling should be set to week; when daily shift ends per day, set to day.

Search Machine Centres. Select your filling/packaging machine centres. Eg BM520 Bottling Line 2 – BIRMINGHAM.

View the Setup time Calculation bucket.

  • This will determine what orders will be shifted in planning consecutively. Select day, week, or month.
  • Eg. whole week continuous filling should be set to week; when daily shift ends per day, set to day.
  • When blank, the work center will determine.

Search Setup Time Calculation Rules

View how per combination of (item) property values the setup time is set. Serial or parallel means:

  • Parallel: when multiple combinations are in place, the one with the highest time will set the setup time.
  • Serial: the setup times for each will be added, summed up.
  • When the different properties determine changeover time independent of each other, select serial.

Fill in the setup time for each combination of property values (from/to). It is possible to combine from or to property values, using filters.

Typically, the setup (changeover) time from water to lemonade is smaller then the opposite. Setup from 33 CL bottles to another product in 33Cl will require little changeover time (other labels) but changing from filling a 33CL bottles to 25 CL bottles.

Search Released production orders

Production orders were created for 1.2.2022. All linked to the same machine center: BM520 Bottling line 2 in BIRMINHAM. Expressed by bin code in the header and by the routing version. The Routing has machine centre BM500 (Birmingham filling lines to plan), routing version1 has BM520 (bottle filling line 1) and version2 has BM520.

The orders were created in a non structured sequence, manually, or like a planning worksheet can do. The planned starting and ending dates are not consecutive, there are gaps ion between.

Search Machine centers, and open the Task list for BM520.

View the tasks of the 3 production orders on 1-2-22 and the Setup time for each. Set/correct the starting time manually on the first line of a date bucket (day, week..), and then click Calculate Setup Time. Set filter (eg 010122..) and OK.

The first order of each Time bucket gets/keeps the setup time from the routing, but the others are calculated from the matrix.

It is wise to move the last production order up, to the first order of the day on this machine center, and calculate again. Select that order and click 2x* on function Move up. Then click Calculate Setup Time. View the results in the setup times.


A partner solution outside of Business Central that is strongly related to production. It is part of the NORRIQ Ecosystem by an interface.

A 3rd party system with features

  • Cost accounting (Cost and inventory value breakdown)
    • Material components
    • Capacity components
  • Planning
    • Demand forecast
    • Financial budgets
    • Cash flow
  • Reporting
    • Cost centres
    • Cost objects (multiple)
      • Items and item hierarchy dimensions (product type, package type..)
      • Customer and customer hierarchy dimensions (channel, region, salesperson, customer groups)

Find more information on the Seneca website