Principal components

Article02/01/20242 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Manufacturing extension. The exercise can be performed in the Cronus Demo company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your Cronus Demo in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 4 – Principal Component

Packaging (filling) order

Search Released production orders

View the order for 1000 crates of item 1011 Cronus Premium beer 24 x 33 CL.

  • Select the production order line and click Line – Components.
  • The first line shows in bold and that is the principal component item, with an expected quantity of 80 HL of this bright beer item. It has the Bin code BBT1.
  • Other lines are for packaging items, with an expected quantity of 24000+ (the BOM lines have an expected scrap of 1%).
  • Open the Item Tracking page for the principal component and select the available lot in this bin. There is only 70 HL left in this tank, so select it and close the page. The Item Tracking page shows an undefined quantity but accept it and close the Item Tracking page. Confirm to update the production order component line.
  • Notice in the Production Order Components page the expected quantities of the other components have been updated down.
  • Close the Production Order Components page and return in the production order. Refresh (F5) the page and notice the output quantity has been updated down. You can only fill this no. of crates given the availability of the principal component.

When there would be a more volume available in this bright beer tank (bin BBT1), but too few to fill another order with, you would want to consume it all and fill more crates until the tank is empty. In that case, you would select all remaining quantity of the lot and the production order would also be updated based on that.