Master data

Article02/05/20243 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Manufacturing extension. The exercise can be performed in the Cronus Demo company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your Cromus Demo in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 1 - Master Data

Strength Codes

Search Foundation Setup

The Strength1 Unit of measurement and Strength2 Unit of measurement fields are defined for all items (if applicable). Most common in beverage is to define the Alcohol by Volume (ABV) and Degrees Plato (DPL) as the strength2 UOM. Drill down and create or view all strength codes. On each item card you can define an item individual strength3 unit of measurement.

Strength codes are the base for the alcohol balance (ABV) and active ingredient functionality (any strength).

Item tracking Codes

Search Item Tracking Codes

View the item tracking codes. For the alcohol balance and active ingredient functionality some item tracking codes were created that:

  • are lot specific (integrated inbound-outbound), including transfers and warehouse entries.
  • allow variable strength (1, 2, and/or 3) (FastTab Alcohol Balance*)

Item tracking codes may require expiration dates or not. When an item tracking code does not include expiration dates, Drink-it AUTO FEFO functions (explained later) will be based on the posting date.


Search items

Select the item 6011 ‘Malt A Lot+Qlty’. Select the Copy item action and create your own item.

  • No. : your NAME_MALT70
  • Description: same
  • Base UOM = KG
  • Item category code: make blank
  • View Foundation FastTab (show more)
    • Strength3 code: HWE (Hot Water Extract = sugar content)
    • Volume3 Code: (also in KG)
    • Active ingredient: strength3 and volume3
  • View Item Tracking FastTab
    • Item tracking code allows for variable strength3

Select the item 7012 ‘Wort Cronus Premium Lot & quality’. Select the Copy item action and create your own item.

  • No. : your NAME_WORT
  • Description: same
  • Base UOM = HL (which is volume2)
  • On Replenishment FastTab:
    • Drill down on field Production BOM
    • Create a new BOM; give it your NAME_WORT
    • Copy BOM 7012
    • Change the BOM line for item ‘MALT A’
      • change into your NAME_MALT70
      • same quantity: 18 KG (to produce 1 HL of your semifinished Wort)
      • Certify the BOM
  • View Foundation FastTab
    • Volume: 100; Volume2: 0,01
    • Strength2: 16 DPL (Degrees Plato)
  • View Item Tracking FastTab
    • Item tracking code: allows for variable strength2

Select the item 6490 ‘Raw alcohol 96% Lot’. Select the Copy item action and create your own item.

  • No. : your NAME_ALC96
  • Description: same
  • Base UOM = L
  • View Foundation FastTab
    • Strength1 code: ABV
    • Volume1 Code: 1 (L)
    • Active ingredient: strength1, volume1
  • View Item Tracking FastTab
    • Item tracking code allows for variable strength1

Select the item 7700 ‘Alcohol semifinished 50%’. Select the Copy itemaction and create your own item.

  • No. : your NAME_ALC50SF
  • Description: same
  • Base UOM = L
  • On Replenishment FastTab
    • Drill down on field Production BOM
    • Create a new BOM; give it your NAME_ALC50
    • Copy BOM 7700
    • Change the BOM line for item ‘Raw alcohol 96%’
      • change into your NAME_ALC96
      • same quantity: 0.52083 L (to produce 1 L of your semifinished Alcohol 50%)
    • Notice the treated water item, it is dependent on the alcohol item, by the volume1 (L) (fields Dependent component and Dependency calculation type)
    • Certify the BOM
  • View Foundation FastTab
    • Strength1 code: ABV
    • Volume1 Code: 1 (L)
  • View Item Tracking FastTab
    • Item tracking code does not allows for variable strength1
    • But is lot specific incl. Transfer and warehouse
  • View Alcohol Balance FastTab
    • Tolerance: 0.5% (allowed loss in LA in production order)


Search Locations

Select location BLUE_PROD

  • View the bins
    • (be aware for training company is for different beverage producers)
  • On Tax Management FastTab:
    • Default tax Classification: this is a bonded location