Transfer items between locations

Article08/08/20245 min read

Items on the license plate can be transferred between license plate tracking and non-license plate tracking locations.

To transfer items from a ‘License Plate tracking required’ location to a ‘Non-License Plate tracking required’ location

When moving items on license plates from a tracked to a non-tracked location, the system automatically replaces the license plate number upon receipt at the non-tracked location. The license plate number value is replaced with the value assigned in the LP No. Non-LP Tracked Location field on the License Plating Setup page. The location doesn’t mandate license plate tracking if the Require License Plate Tracking toggle is turned off on the Location Card page.

During the transfer of items from a license plate-tracked to a non-license plate-tracked location, the system assigns the license plate number with the value configured in the LP No. Non-LP Tracked Location field on the License Plating Setup page, using either a transfer order or the item reclassification journal.


For SSCC-tracked items, the new license plate number is assigned based on the company SSCC setup. To create a license plate for an SSCC-tracked item, you must first configure the company SSCC setup.

To transfer items from a ‘Non-License Plate required’ location to a ‘License Plate-required’ location

When moving items from a non-license plate-tracked location to a license plate tracked location using a transfer order, ensure new license plate numbers are assigned when receiving the item(s) at the license plate tracked location. After shipping from the non-license plate-tracked area, you can assign one or more new license plate numbers upon receipt either in the transfer order or in the warehouse.


The above conditions will not be applicable if you have the Transfer-from Code field set as Inventory Put-away and Transfer-to Code field set as Inventory pick on the Transfer Order page.

  1. On the Transfer Order page, on the action bar, select Home > Create Whse. Receipt to receive the items.
  2. On the Item Tracking Lines page, on the action bar, select Action > Functions > Change License Plate Nos. to change the license plate nos. of non-license plate tracked lots to new (tracked) license plate nos. so that the items can be tracked throughout their new locations.

The Change License Plate Nos. page contains the current item tracking lines with the following fields:

Lot No.Specifies the lot that is currently placed on a non-tracked license plate and of which the items should be assigned to one or more new license plates (to enable tracking).
Assigned to New License PlateSpecifies how many items of this lot are already assigned to a new (tracked) license plate (expressed in the unit of measure code as selected on the document line).
Quantity UndefinedSpecifies how many items of this lot should still be assigned to a new (tracked) license plate (expressed in the unit of measure code as selected on the document line).
Quantity (Base)Specifies how many items of this lot are originally placed on the (untracked) license plate (expressed in the Base Unit of Measure Code).
Serial No.Specifies the serial number of the items currently placed on a non-tracked license plate and which should be assigned to one or more new license plates (to enable tracking).

The new license plates is assigned based on the following fields:

  • Lot No. field that specifies the lot of which items are moved to a new (tracked) license plate.
  • Quantity (Base) field that specifies how many items of this lot are moved to the new (tracked) license plate.
  • New License Plate No. field that specifies the license plate number of the (tracked) license plate that the items are moved to.
  • Serial No. field that specifies the license plate number of the (tracked) license plate that the items are moved to.
  1. On the Change License Plate Nos. page, on the action bar, select Create License Plates.
  2. On the Create License Plates page, fill in the fields as necessary.
  3. Select OK to confirm. This will create one or more new license plate numbers. The lot number(s) remains the same as those in the Posted Transfer Shipment.

To make modifications, you can delete the lines and run the function again.


You can change the Bin Code field value on the Warehouse Receipt page when the lines on the associated transfer order have a license plate (full) defined in the item tracking lines.

When posting the Warehouse Receipt the lot numbers, previously placed on the non-tracked license plate, will be automatically reclassified to the assigned new license plate numbers.

  1. On the Posted Warehouse Receipt page, on the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Transfer License Plate No. to check that all non-tracked license plates are moved to their assigned new license plate number(s).

The Posted Warehouse License Plates Relation page shows if the items from their originally non-license plate tracked lot have been posted to their new (tracked) license plates. If not, the function Transfer License Plates can be executed.


This functionality is currently only supported in the Warehouse Receipt and Transfer Order. When working with an Inventory Put-Away, the Change License Plate Nos. page can be opened from the Item Tracking Lines in the Transfer Order before posting the Inventory Put-Away.