How to use Route Planning worksheet in Logistics

Article04/02/20245 min read

The Route planning worksheet contains two sections and a FastTab.

  • The top section counts the route planning no. and related information linked to the route that is copied into the route planning no. The unique route planning no. is created automatically when a document type is released with a route and shipment date (or Expected receipt date) for which no route planning no. was found yet.
    • Or you create it in advance by the Create New Route Planning action under Home.
  • A route planning no. represents
    • A drive for delivery routes
    • A drive for van sales routes (‘multiple order routes’).
    • A drive for other types, then they serve as information, which orders needs to be shipped or are going to be received on a date. Typically for pickup orders and export orders (handled order by order).
  • The fact box and the order section show information based on the selected route planning no.
  • The order section shows sales orders and return orders, purchase orders and return orders and transfer orders (shipment vs receipt) that have been assigned to the route planning no.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Route Planning Worksheet, and then choose the related link.
  2. The Route Planning Worksheet opens with filter setting as defined in the Logistic Employees.

See also

Setting Up Logistic employees

Create a new Route planning No.

  • Route planning nos. are created automatically when an order is release for which no route planning no. exists, always based on route and shipment, or receipt date.
  • Route planning no. can also be created in advance by the Create New route Planning function.
    • The function will suggest with the same values as the selected line, but you can change the route and shipment date.
    • When you leave them, it will create a new drive.
    • When you select another route/date for which already a route planning no. exists it will do the same. The new drive inherits the driver, driver2, vehicle/truck, trailer, shipping agent, and service code, but has no order assigned yet.

Information on weight and pallet places

  • Per route planning line the route, drive, route name, shipment/receipt date are displayed.
  • The total weight and total no. of pallet places are based on the assigned orders.
  • You can personalize the page and add more columns. The FastTab shows the complete info. on the route planning no., as the location and shipping agent.

Select drivers, vehicles and shipping agents

  • You can select a vehicle and driver. The vehicle will set the max. Weight and Max pallet places in the route planning line.
  • You can add columns Driver2 and Trailer and select codes for them as well. The capacity of the trailer will increase the Max. Weight and Max Pallet places.
  • You can add columns Shipping Agent and Service code and select values for these as well.
  • Any of these values may come by default from the route but can always be altered here.
  • Typically for multiple order routes you set these values on the route planning line. On posting, the posted shipment/receipts will inherit them (through an update on the order).

Move a route planning no.

  • Most likely orders are moved from one route planning no. to another, in the fine tuning of routes, but it may happen that a complete driver should be moved. Example, to another day, or to another route planning no. (merge small routes together).
  • Use the action Home > Move Route Planning.
    • Select another route, shipment date, or drive and all orders will be assigned to the route planning no.
    • The route planning no. is not deleted, you can still plan on it, or remove it manually.
    • And the orders show under their new route planning no.


Create/open warehouse documents


Return entry and control


Set Logistic status


Currently you can check Closed field . The only impact it has is that new orders for the same route and shipment date/receipt date will be assigned to a new drive.

Batch post orders


Find Entries

Move an order to another route or drive

  • This process starts from the order section or Route Planning Request.
  • Based on the capacity constraints of the vehicle and trailer the route planner may have to switch an order to another route planning no.
  • An order can be moved to another driver of the same route.
    • Type the driver no. or drill down to select.
    • The order does not show anymore under the route planning no., the totals show the shift. The order can now be found under the route planning no it was moved to.
  • An order can be moved to another route.
    • Type the route no. or drill down to select.
    • The order does not show anymore under the route planning no., the totals show the shift. The order can now be found under the route planning no it was moved to.

Change shipment date

Roadmap: change the shipment date of a released order.

Information on the order

  • This process starts from the order section or Route Planning Request.
  • Delivery address information is as follow available :
  • Customer no., name, address, city, postal code
  • Customer key no
  • Delivery address constraints
    • Delivery type
    • Delivery times
    • Require 2 drivers
    • Unload Zone
    • Order total information as from the Logistic FastTab in the order :
    • Total Weight, Quantity (pallets),
    • Outbound and inbound (show columns)
    • Picking type (delivery pick, combined pick)

Open the source document

  • This process starts from the order section or Route Planning Request.
  • Open the document from here depending on the document type.
    • Sales Order will open the Sales Order page.
    • Sales Return Order will open the Sales Return Order Page.
    • Purchase Order will open the Purchase Order page.
    • Purchase Return Order will open the Purchase Return Order Page.
    • Transfer Order Shipment or Transfer Order Receipt will open the Transfer Order Page.

Return entry per order


The process is already available but not yet direct from Route Planning worksheet, for now open the source document and click Return Entry.

Logistic status per order



Post order
