
Article11/28/20234 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Drink-it Logistics App. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 5 - Other Document Types

1. Sales return order

In training Route delivery sales orders we have seen that sales return orders show up in the route planning worksheet. They were created automatically from the Return Entry page.

Sales return orders can also be created directly, like for a complaint. Such orders can be planned in the route planning worksheet, even integrated with orders telling the driver to collect them when he delivers new goods.

Search for Sales return orders

1.1 Create a new return order for your customer NAME1.

  • Route: your route NAME2
  • Shipment date: tomorrow
  • Item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS should be taken back, as they appear to be expired. Picked by accident.
  • Release the return order

Search for Sales orders

1.2 Create a new order for your customer NAME1

  • Route: your route NAME2
  • Shipment date: tomorrow
  • Item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS (hopefully they will pick the right lot this time)
  • Release the order.

Open the Route Planning worksheet, filter on your routes and shipment date = tomorrow

  • Find the return order and order under the same route planning no
  • Notice the Shipping Weight and No. of Pallets Shipping exclude inbound (return) lines.
  • Open the source document of the return order and view the Logistics FactBox

2. Purchase order

Purchase orders only show up in the Route Planning Worksheet when the header contains.

  • Route
  • Exp. Receipt date

The expected receipt date is by default not filled in the purchase order. You can change that.

Search for Foundation setup, FastTab Application:

  • Field Default Expected Receipt Date: set to Workdate
  • Field Synch Purchase receipt Date to Posting Date: on

Search for Vendors

2.1 Create a new vendor by the New action

  • Apply template Vendors domestic
  • FastTab General
    • Name: Your NAME1
  • FastTab Address&Contact
    • City: Birmingham
  • FastTab Payments
    • Payment Method: we pay the vendor by a SEPA bank transfer;
    • Payment Terms: after 14 days
  • FastTab Logistics
    • Route: select your route (NAME_ROUTE2)

In case Empty Good Management is installed and deposit is charged

  • FastTab Empty Goods
    • Empty Good Business Group: empty goods are traced and deposit is charged, within the same invoice. Select DEP.

Search for Purchase orders

2.2 Create a new order for your vendor NAME1.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE2
  • Select exp. Receipt date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 240 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 320 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Notice the Route Planning No. in the header
  • View the FactBox Logistics

Open the Route Planning worksheet, filter on your routes and shipment/receipt date = tomorrow

  • Find the purchase order under the route planning no
  • Notice the Shipping Weight and No. of Pallets Shipping exclude inbound (return) lines.
  • Open the source document of the order view the Logistics FactBox
  • In the Route request lines you can set the delivery Sequence eg to agreed time slots (1000, 1015, 1030) and sort on that field.
  • Other actions are similar available as for sales orders

3. Purchase return order

Search for Purchase Return Orders

3.1 Create a new return order for your vendor NAME1.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE2
  • Select Exp. Receipt date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Notice the Route Planning No. in the header

Open the Route Planning worksheet, filter on your routes and shipment/receipt date = tomorrow

  • Find the purchase return order under the route planning no
  • Notice the Shipping Weight and No. of Pallets Shipping include all outbound lines.
  • Open the source document of the return order view the Logistics FactBox
  • In the Route request lines you can set the delivery Sequence eg to agreed time slots (1000, 1015, 1030) and sort on that field.
  • Other actions are similar available as for sales orders

4. Transfer order

Search for Transfer Orders

4.1 Create a new transfer order

  • From location: BLUE_BOND
  • To: location: BLUE_TP
  • Route: select your route NAME_PICK
  • Shipment date: tomorrow
  • Lines
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 240 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 320 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Notice the Route Planning No. in the header

Open the Route Planning worksheet, filter on your routes and shipment/receipt date = tomorrow

  • For the transfer order 2 route request lines were created, one for the shipment and one for the receipt. Find them under your route planning no for NAME_PICK
  • Notice the Shipping Weight and No. of Pallets Shipping include all outbound lines.
  • Other actions are similar available as for sales orders.