
Article11/28/20232 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Drink-it Logistics App. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 4 – Cut-off time and fixed route planning nos

1. Master Data

Search for Routes. Create a new route

  • Code: your NAME_ROUTE3
  • Name: Delivery route3 with cut-off time - your name (NAME)
  • Driver: this route has you (NAME_DRIV) as default driver
  • Vehicle: your vehicle is the default (NAME_VAN)
  • Shipping Location and Receipt Location: select BLUE-TP
  • Multiple order route = yes
  • Cut-off No. of Days: 1
  • Cut-off Time: 1300 (or earlier, it should be before your current time)

2. Order creation

Search for Sales orders.

Create a same sales order for your customer1 as in the training before.

Select in the header:

  • Route: your NAME_ROUTE3
  • Shipment date: tomorrow

Release the order. It is not possible since you are too late.

These are the options you have

  • Change the shipment date to a later date
  • Ask an authorized logistic employee to release the order
  • Select another route that still allows for tomorrow, like your route NAME_ROUTE2

Try out each option and then set back the order to the original state and reopen it again, except for the last option: select your NAME_ROUTE2, with shipment date tomorrow and release the order.

3. Route Planning

Select the route planning line for your NAME_ROUTE2 for tomorrow and check the Fixed field.

Search for Sales orders.

Create a same sales order for your customer2 as in the training before.

Select in the header

  • Route: your NAME_ROUTE2
  • Shipment date: tomorrow

Release the order.

Open the route planning worksheet for tomorrow. It now contains 2 lines for your NAME_ROUTE2 for tomorrow. The 2nd drive is not fixed and your order is assigned to that.

From the Route request lines, move the order to drive1 for this NAME ROUTE2. When you are not allowed to do so, ask an authorized logistic employee for it. That person may decide that it is still possible to add an order to this fixed drive.