
Article11/28/20237 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Drink-it Logistics App. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 2 – Route delivery sales orders

In this base scenario an integrated process is trained on

  • Order creation
  • Route planning
  • Pick, Ship & Cash on Delivery Invoices
  • Return entry of collected empty goods and return control
  • Cash payment and cash control
  • Invoice

In this base scenario’s invoices are posted from the order.

  • Search for Foundation setup, FastTab Application:
    • Field Prevent Invoice from Combined Shpt. Sales Order should be off.
    • Field Synch Sales Shipment date to Posting date: on
    • Field Allow DIT Lines recalculation on released orders: should be Yes, without confirmation. This will enable you to move released orders from one route to another route or date without having to reopen them first (moving an order to another route or shipment date may impact sales conditions).
  • Search for Sales & Receivables Setup, FastTab Background Posting
    • When you check field Post & print with Job Queue, the Batch Post Sales Orders function will enable you to print the documents (delivery notes, invoices, credit memos) at the same time.

This scenario includes Return Entry (from the route planning worksheet). Return entry is only available when Drink-it App Empty Goods Management is installed,


Make sure your WORKDATE is set to TODAY (via My Settings)

1. Order creation

Search for Sales orders.

1.1 Create a new order for your customer NAME1.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE1
  • Select shipment date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 240 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 320 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
    • Notice the Route Planning No. in the header
    • View the FactBox Logistics

1.2 Create a new order for your customer NAME2.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE1
  • Select shipment date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 40 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 160 TRAYS
  • Release the order.

1.3 Create a new order for your customer NAME3.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE1
  • Select shipment date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 80 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 160 TRAYS
  • Release the order.

1.4 Create a new order for your customer NAME4.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE2
  • Select shipment date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 240 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 480 TRAYS
  • Release the order.

2. Route Planning

Search for Route Planning Worksheet. Make sure your filter is set to your routes and the date filter is set to tomorrow.

Find 2 Route planning Lines, one for your route NAME1 and one for NAME2.

Select your first route planning no. and compare the Max. Weight with the actual Shipping Weight and the Max. Pallet Places with the actual No of Pallets shipping.

View the orders in the lower part, the Route Request Lines. View the actual Shipping Weight and Shipping Pallet per order.

Your first route planning no. is overloaded and you need to solve that first. Here are the options:

  • Move orders to another route
  • Move orders to another drive
  • Select a vehicle with more capacity,
  • Add a trailer to increase capacity
  • Change the shipment date on some orders

Try them all out, and in the end set back to the original state

  • Order1,2,3 on your route NAME1 (drive1) on shipment date tomorrow with your vehicle NAME_VAN
  • Order 4 on your route NAME2 on shipment date tomorrow

Notice the Delivery Sequence of your last order in the Route Request line.

Select vehicle T01 for your first route. As there is only one order assigned to your 2nd route and there is enough space in your first route (drive 1), move your last order to that route planning no.

Set the route planning no to ‘Fixed’. Sort the Route Request Lines on field Delivery Sequence. Notice the Delivery sequence for your order #4 now.

3. Pick, Ship & Cash on Delivery Invoice

  • (Batch) Print the picklists for all sales orders assigned to your route NAME1 (drive1), from the Route Planning worksheet.
  • The goods have been picked, pallets prepared and loaded in the vehicle.
  • Select first your order2 (for the cash payment customer) and click in the route request lines on the action Return Entry. Do the same for your order3, the other cash payment customer. This will create a return order in advance for these customers.
  • Post & print the shipments, by the Post Batch Sales Orders function, for your orders in your route NAME1.
  • Only for the orders with Payment Method CASH, Post & print the invoices, by the Post Batch Sales Orders function, for your orders in your route NAME1.

4. Return Entry and Return Control

The driver has delivered the goods and collected back empty goods, signed off on the delivery notes.

Open the Route Planning Worksheet, set a filter on the shipment date and on your routes. Select the route planning line of the driver’s drive. Register the returns per order/return order via the action Return Entry.

  • Order1
    • 120 cases of the empty good item EMPTY DE CRATE 20x50CL
    • 120 crates of the empty good item EMPTY CRONUS CRATE 24x33CL
  • Return Order2:
    • 40 cases of the empty good item EMPTY DE CRATE 20x50CL
  • Return Order3:
    • 80 cases of the empty good item EMPTY DE CRATE 20x50CL
  • From customer4 no empties were collected back.

Open the source document for your order1 and check the lines.

Open the source document for your return order2 and check the lines.

The warehouse employee counted and signed off the unloading of the vehicle. 200 Crates of EMPTY DE CRATE 20x50CL 120 Crates of EMPTY CRONUS CRATE 24x33CL

Register that in the return control. On the route planning line, click on Return Control, calculate lines and fill the Counted Quantity per item. Click on Finish.

There are return differences that you have to solve first by checking if you registered the returns well per order. Open the return entry for order1. The customer only returned 80 crates EMPTY CRONUS CRATE 24x33CL, it was a mistype. Correct the quantity in the return entry.

Open the return control again and recalculate lines (but leave the column Counted quantity unchanged). Finish the return control again.

The Return control status of the route planning line is now Finished.

5. Cash Payment and Cash Control

The driver collected 3700,- LCY cash money from your 2nd customer. Select the (return) order in the route request lines and register that in the Cash journal. Do not post the journal.

The driver collected 5000,- LCY cash money from your 3rd customer. Select the (return) order in the route request lines and register that in the Cash journal. Do not post the journal.


Payments of customers are registered with a negative amount in the Cash receipt journal.

The company cashier opens the cash receipt journal from the route planning line (header) and prints under the Posting action the Test report, checks the total amount and signs off the report.

The journal is not posted yet.

6. Invoice

Post batch sales orders for this route planning no with Ship and Invoice.

Post batch sales return orders for this route planning no. with Receive and Invoice.

Search for Cash Receipt Journal and open the batch name of your route planning no. Alternatively, open it from the route planning worksheet – cash journal.

Apply the payments to the posted invoice and posted credit memo, for each line. Then post the journal.