What's new in version 23.500.106726.0.0

Release Note09/16/20249 min read

The Drink-IT Logistics has been rebranded to Aptean Beverage Logistics, Drink-IT Edition.


PBI No.Description
242621Add information on Route and Dock No for Send to Label Automation for LPN (new mix pallet - reprint - etc)
242813New functionality - Allow Pick List to be filtered based on route no.

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
246563Status change to loaded on sales order not correct
245890Enable moving routes by external system
245742Process No Backorder should update the logistic status of the sales order
245560Reschedule License Plates - Transport validations on shipment Bin
243871Sales header error when changing the LP Status by AOW
243264Block delete route if route is used in master data and/or documents
244158Shipment dates - error when creating in foreign language
243209Suspend status check on changing route in route planning worksheet on multiple order route

PBI 242621 - Add information on Route and Dock No for Send to Label Automation for LPN (new mix pallet - reprint - etc)


Add information on Route and Dock No for Send to Label Automation for LPN (new mix pallet - reprint - etc)


As a warehouse manager, I want the labels to include the information from the Logistic extension, so the warehouse employees know for which route, Dock, etc… the pallet is.


Setup in Business Central

No extra setup needed, except when using other labels and/or integrations in your label automation software.

See also: Sending Up Label Printing

Label automation software

Adjust your labels and integration to cope with the new fields, added in the JSON.

PBI 242813 New functionality - Allow Pick List to be filtered based on Route No.

What New funconality - Allow Pick List to be filtered based on Route No.


As a Warehouse Manager, I want the warehouse employees to be able to see information from Logistics on the pick header, so they can filter on this information and easily select the correct pick.

Addional LOG fields are added to the header fields


Setup in Business Central.

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Locations and then choose the related link

  2. Select the location for which you want to set the validations to the default validations

  3. Choose Configure OWM in the Ribbon. The OWM Configuration page opens.

  4. Choose Modules on Scanner in the Ribbon. The Modules on scanner list opens.

  5. Choose the Warehouse Pick Module. The Module Settings card opens.

  6. Choose the Header Fields action. The Header Fields list opens.

  7. Fill in Lines according to the fields to display in the header. Hover over a field to read a short description.

    • When leaving the Text Format field Blank, the standard format is used to display according to the field type.
    • When adding a text format (Example: /) in the Text Format field, this format is used to display according to the field type. For more information about different formats: Formatting Values, Dates, and Time
  8. Close the Header fields list.

  9. Fill in the Document Header Format field, using the identifiers from the header field list. (Example: %2 - %1(%3))3. Choose the Default User Filter action. The Default User Filter list opens.

  10. Fill in Lines per OWM User to default filter in the document list. Hover over a field to read a short description.

  11. Close the Default User Filter list.6. Fill in the Document Filter Format field, using the identifiers from the header field list. (Example: %2 - %1(%3))

  • When the Document Header Format field is empty, the standard header is displayed.
  • When the Document Filter Format field is empty, you are only able to filter on the first line of the document.
  • Best practice is to keep the Document Header Format identical to the Document Filter Format. If necessary, when you want to add extra fields to filter on, add those at the end of the string.

Flows on scanner, depending on setup in Default User Filter List


  • No Search String is entered and Default Locked is disabled

    • First time entering: Complete list
    • Enter filter: # appears for the 2nd header, because it is your last filter, the complete list is filtered on the last filter
    • Enter new filter: # appears for the 2nd header, because it is your last filter, the complete list is filtered on the last filter
    • Enter * as filter: # disappears, because you emped your last filter, the complete list is visible
    • Reopening the list: will show you the # when you closed the list when using a filter, because it was your last filter
  • No Search String is entered and Default Locked is enabled

    • First time entering: Complete list, no prefix because the Locked Default Value is empty.
    • Enter filter: The complete list is filtered on filter on your screen.
    • Enter new filter: The complete list is filtered on filter on your screen.
    • Enter * as filter: Complete list Reopening the list: Complete list
  • Search String is entered and Default Locked is disabled

    • First time entering: Filtered list on the Search String, * appears for the 2nd header
    • Enter filter: # appears for the 2nd header, because it is your last filter, the default filtered list is also filtered on the last filter
    • Enter new filter: # appears for the 2nd header, because it is your last filter, the default filtered list is also filtered on the last filter
    • Enter * as filter: Filtered list on the Search String, * appears for the 2nd header
    • Reopening the list: will show you the # when you closed the list when using a filter on the default filter, because it was your last filter, else a * appears for the 2nd header, because it is your default filter
  • Search String is entered and Default Locked is enabled

    • First time entering: Filtered list on the Search String, * appears for the 2nd header
    • Enter filter: * appears for the 2nd header, because the default is Locked, the default filtered list is also filtered on the last filter
    • Enter new filter: * appears for the 2nd header, because the default is Locked, the default filtered list is also filtered on the last filter
    • Enter * as filter: Filtered list on the Search String, * appears for the 2nd header
    • Reopening the list: Filtered list on the Search String, * appears for the 2nd header

PBI 246563 - Status change to LOADED on sales order not correct


When in the process the LPN of a Mixed LP or LP the status is changed to LOADED the logistic status of the order should only follow when all License Plates, belonging to 1 Order, are in the status LOADED, the order status will be changed to the logistic status ORDER.


the updated of the logistic status is fixed following the rules.

  • Check in the Detailed Warehouse Entries which orders have items on this the License Plate.
  • Check per order, if every License Plate, found in the in the Detailed Warehouse Entries for this order,is in the status LOADED
  • IF all statuses of all license plates per order are LOADED THEN the order Logistic Status is changed to LOADED.
  • This all is applicable if the automatic logistic status update is setup by definition of the action code in the logistic statuses.

PBI 245890 - Enable moving routes by external system


It is now possible to make a customization that enables to move routes by an external system.

PBI 245742 - Process No Backorder should update the logistic status of the sales order


When a logistic status for sales orders is created with action SHIPPED, an order gets that status when all lines are completely shipped.In a normal flow you would process backorders prior to the shipment, but when it is done in the opposite sequence the order status was not updated, also not when the process backorder function was executed and no line would have an outstanding quantity anymore. That has been resolved, this function will update the logistic status when no lines have an outstanding quantity anymore.

PBI 245560 Reschedule License Plates - Transport validations on Shipment Bin


Reschedule LicensePlates-Transport validaons on Shipment Bin


When LPN’s are Rescheduled and in the warehouse the action Register Rescheduled Delivery is used, we have no way of knowing the real place where the license plate is located in the warehouse.To get the correct information to the scanner in the module Route load List, we changed the flow in Drink-IT Logistics. When performing the action Register Rescheduled Delivery on the warehouse shipment, the Confirmed Transport Validation Type and the Confirmed Transport Validation Code on the License Plate are changed to “Shipment bin” and the value from the Reschedule Bin Code on the location.And the Route Plannings No. is changed to the new Route Plannings No. to enable the License Plates to be selected in the Route Plannings Load List.


The issue is fixed

PBI 243871 - Sales Header Error when changing the LP Status by AOW


SalesHeader Error when changing the LP Status by AOW


When registering the loading of a License Plate in the Route LoadList,an incorrect error was displayed,triggered from Logistics


The issue is fixed.

PBI 243264 - Block delete Route if route is used in master data and/or Documents


It should not be possible to delete a route when that route is used in masted data or transaction documents.


When a route is already assigned to a customer, a sales order or any other master data or transaction, you will get blocking error messages when you delete that route. You will now be prevented for such errors

PBI 244158 - Shipment dates - error when creating in foreign language


The function to create customer shipment dates could result in an error when running it in another user client language than ENU. That has been resolved.

PBI 243209 - Suspend Status Check on changing route in routeplanning worksheet on multiple order route


When the route is a multiple order route the sales order is updated with blank but without surpressing the statuscheck of the salesorder. This is fixed.

  • when an order is changed from a default route to a route and the route is multiple order, the shipment method, shipping agent code and shipping agent service is set to blank on the sales order. The route planning worksheet or Warehouse shipment if applicable is leading for these fields. Sales order will be updated with the values during the posting of the sales shipment document.
  • when a route is changed from a route to a route and the route is multiple order, the shipment method, shipping agent code and shipping agent service is set to blank on the sales order without opening and releasing the sales order again.


As a Logistic employee I want to be able to move a sales order from a route to another route in the route planning worksheet.