What's new in version 20.202303.0.0

Article01/09/202411 min read


PBI No.Description
237405Payment journals filtered by customer
220816Automatic shipment date based on cut-off no. of days (LOG)
230133Comments on Route Planning (04)
236646Route planning worksheet - for single order route, function to create warehouse shipment/receipt must copy value for Shipping Agent a.o. from the source document
237006Logistics Status : Loading in Progress by field on route planning worksheet
239809Warehouse Shipment Book
239746Logistic Status : loaded with the automatic function can only be when all pallets have the status loaded
242487Route planning warning : add waiting for approval in the error message
239750Logistic status : Allow by the logistic status to add outbound item lines to orders

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
241043Sales comment error message on sales order when linked warehouse shipment is posted
239728Route planning worksheet - When an order is moved to another route the warehouse request is not updated well (multiple-single order route)

PBI 237405 Payment journals filtered by customer


When I open one of the payment journals from the route planning request, I only want to see the lines added from the customer linked to the route planning request I pushed the action (create Cash Payment journal, Card payment journal or Other payment Journal). When the journals are opened from the route planning, all created lines should be visible, no filtering on customer no. should be in place only the filtering on route planning no.


As a A/R employee I want to have as quick as possible the overview on the payments received on an order from the route planning worksheet.

PBI 220816 - Automatic shipment date based on cut-off no. of days (LOG)


Automatic shipment date based on source routes and cut-off time.


Companies require that orders are created and released with a proper shipment date, in line with

  • (limited) source routes (eg customer only gets delivered on tuesdays)
  • a cut-off time for the route (orders created/released too late should get the next valid shipment date)


Setup Routes

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Routes and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill fields Cut-off no. of days and Cut-off Time in case this should steer the shipment date in an order.

Setup Customers

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Customers and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a Customer and open the card page.
  3. Select the Default Route field on fastTab Logistics, Drill down on the Assist-Edit button of this field to open the Source Routes for the customer.

A record was automatically created for the default route.

  • The field Shipment Day may have been filled when set on the route, else select a day in the week if the customer may only be delivered on that day.
  • Multiple lines can be created for the same route with another shipment day (eg. customer gets delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays).
  • Leave the shipment day blank when the customer can get delivered every day in the week on a route.
  • The field Cut-off No. of Days is filled from the route when set, else you can fill it yourself (eg. for export customers where the shipment date should be 15 days after order date, set it to 15D).

Logistics Setup

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Logistics Setup and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill a dateformula in field Shipment Dates Calculation. The function on the Customer Shipment Dates, Create Shipment Dates will calculate shipment dates from the workdate until this end date.

Create Shipment Dates

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Customer Shipment Dates and then choose the related link.
  2. Click on action Create Shipment Dates (this action may have been triggered automatically when you closed the source routes page). Starting and Ending date are defaulted.
  3. Click OK.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Sales Order and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a new Sales order, select a customer. Field Route is filled by default from the customer and field Shipment date is filled with the first allowed (before cut-off) date.
  3. Drill down on the Assist-Edit button of the Shipment Date field to select a next for the customer possible shipment date from the customer shipment dates.
  4. Or use functions Next Shipment Date and Previous Shipment Date from the action Functions > Logistics to scroll through the allowed shipment dates.
  5. Still the user can select a shipment date manually. In case that has a conflict, the cut-off warning will enable you to select the next (allowed) shipment date as well.

In the Route Planning Worksheet, the same functionality is available.


When you the field Route Limit is enabled on the Customer card (fastTab Logistics), the fields route and shipment date are not editable in the sales order, and you can only select by the assist-edit button on each field and by the Next Shipment Date resp. Previous Shipment Date functions to influence the shipment date on the sales Order.


There is an integration with Advanced Warehouse Management, where the route will trigger actions for the license plates, assigned to an order and an internal movement. In that case fill in the route also fields

  • Reschedule Action, select the option Reschedule or Cancel.
  • Reschedule Bin Code: (it will register an internal movement from shipment bin to this bin)

PBI 230133 Comments On Route Planning (04)


Add in the factbox pane on the Route planning Worksheet the features attachments and notes.


As a logistic manager I want to be able to attach document to the Route planning No. and want to be able to have an overview of these documents per Route.

PBI 236646 Route Planning worksheet - for single order route, function to create warehouse shipment/receipt must copy value for “Shipping Agent” a.o. from the source document


UI of the logistics fields in the Order documents which helps to understand the differences as a user between a multi order route enabled or disable on the route.

Why As a Sales employee I want to be guided by the system which fields I can influence for the logistic process depending on multi order route enabled or disabled.

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Route and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a route and focus on field Multi Order Route
  • Multi Order Route = Enabled
    • Logistic fields are non-editable in the order document. The fields are Shipment Method Code, Shipping Agent, Shipping Service, Driver, Vehicle, Co-driver and Trailer
    • Creating the warehouse document will inherit the fields from the route planning worksheet and are non-editable.
  • Multi Order Route = Disabled
    • Logistic fields are editable in the order document. The fields are Shipment Method Code, Shipping Agent, Shipping Service, Driver, Vehicle, Co-driver and Trailer.
    • Creating the warehouse document will inherit the fields from the route planning worksheet an are editable.

PBI 237006 Logistics Status : Loading in Progress by field on Route planning worksheet


Mark a route planning no as Loading (in progress), updating the logistic status.


When trucks have arrived and loading started, it should be possible to indicate and see that in the route planning worksheet.

  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Route Planning Worksheet and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the routeplanning No. for which the truck has arrived.
  3. Enable the field Loading on the Route planning line.
  4. If the logistics statuses were defined the status of the related order(s) in the Route planning Request are updated accordinly the setup in the Logistics Statuses
  • Choose search icon, and search for Logistics Statuses
  • Select the code that corresponds to the status you want to adapt in the logistical status of the orders
  • Select on this status the action code Loading in progress, if the status on the order should be updated automatically when the field Loading is enabled in the Route Planning Worksheet.

By adding a new logistical status make sure the next and previous steps are updated for the new status and for the existing statuses in the type of document. No update can give unexpected flow in the statuses of the document type.

PBI 239809 Warehouse Shipment Book


An overview of the warehouse shipment lines so the warehouse manager can have the overview on the shipment lines which still needs to be handled for a shipment date or Route.


As a warehouse manager I want an overview of all warehouse shipment lines created so I can follow the status on picks created, picks registered and shipments posted.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Warehouse Shipment Book and then choose the related link.
  2. Use the Advanced Filters to become a quick overview of the status of the warehouse shipments.

Own views can be created by the save view as functionality


The Warehouse Shipment Book can be opened direct from the route planning worksheet, filtered on the Route Planning No.

PBI 239746 Logistic Status : loaded with the automatic function can only be when all pallets have the status loaded


If a truck is loaded you can execute a function to set the status of the license plates to ‘Loaded’ which also triggers the logistic status of the Sales order to ‘Loaded’. This can be executed manually or by scanning device.
From the moment one pallet is scanned or if the action is executed is the status not yet updated to ‘Loaded’, the action of the logistic status is only excecuted when all pallets for that order or for that route have been set to status ‘Loaded’.


As a logistic manager I want to follow the status of the sales orders in the route planning worksheet.

PBI 242487 Route planning warning : add ‘waiting for approval’ in the error message


Open error already appears in the route planning worksheet but if the order is in waiting for approval it gives me as a logistic employee not the full information.


As a logistic employee I want to get a message in the route planning worksheet if an order is open or waiting for approval.

*When an order is in waiting for approval after the order was reopened, changed and send for approval (If applicable by the workflow setup), the error in the Route planning worksheet will contain the status is waiting for approval, if the order has the status open the error remains status is open.

  • Move an order with an error or warning to another Route Planning No. the error or warning will be moved at the same time.
  • By checking the field Complete on the Route planning worksheet, a warning will appear if there are still unfinished lines in the order(s). The complete field stays enabled, by unclicking the field Complete the warning disappears, the warning will remain to appear as long there are unfinished work for the order(s) and enabling the Complete field.

PBI 239750 - Logistic status : Allow by the logistic status to add outbound item lines to orders


If an order is e.g. in warehouse shipment, pick, loaded or to be invoiced, I don’t want that employees can change orders. By setup, in the logistical statuses, I want to be able to block changes on a sales order for an item line when this is not longer allowed in the process.


As a warehouse manager, I want to control the order administration if the sales orders can be updated depending on the logistic status.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Logistics Statuses and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the code that corresponds to the status you want to update in the logistical status of the order.
  3. Enable on this status the field Blocked Item Sales Line. As this is enabled it is no longer possible to add item lines on a sales order which has this logistical status.

PBI 241043 - Sales comment error message on sales order when linked warehouse shipment is posted


Sales comment error message on sales order when there is a linked warehouse shipment or the shipment is posted.


When you, as a Sales Manager, want to add a comment on a Sales Order that is already shipped, or where the warehouse shipment is created, you get an error message. Only in case the comment is different from Show & Notify and when there are no other comments. This issue is fixed.

PBI 239728 - Route Planning Worksheet - When an order is moved to another route the warehouse request is not updated well (multiple-single order route)


When an order was moved from a multiple order route to a single order route, the warehouse shipment created for that order would show as multiple order route, meaning fields for drivers, trucks and shipping agent would show uneditable. That has been resolved.