What's new in version 20.202211.0.0

Article01/09/20243 min read


PBI No.Description
223864LOG - Drop Shipment does not update Logistic Status in other document (SO/PO)
231115Return control Status issues
232005Include the Cut-Off Days and Cut-Off Time in the Customer Shipment Days

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
228983Move Route PLanning (header) should update shipment and posting date in Warehouse header (and lines)

PBI 223864 - LOG - Drop Shipment does not update Logistic Status in other document (SO/PO)


Drop Shipment does not update Logistic Status in other document (SO/PO)


In a drop shipment, the shipment of items from one of you vendors is directly to one of you customers. Your sales order is linked to a purchase order.

After the vendor ships the items, you can post the sales order as shipped. You can also post the purchase order, but only with the Receive option until the sales order has been invoiced. When you post the shipment of the sales order, business central will also post the receipt of the purchase order. When you post the receipt of the purchase order, the sales order will automatically be posted.

In Drink IT Logistics, for both scenario’s, you want the logistical status to be updated in both documents:

  • When the receipt of the purchase order triggers a change in the Logistical Status, the same status change should be executed on the linked sales order.
  • When the shipment of the sales order triggers a change in the Logistical Status, the same status change should be executed on the linked purchase order.

See also: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/sales-how-drop-shipment

PBI 231115 - Return control Status issues


On the Route planning worksheet the status of the return Control follows the status of the route Return Control and the status of Cash control status follows the route payments


As a Finance manager, I want to follow the status of the return Control on the Route planning worksheet to complete the route.

If the status in the return control is ’Open’ and lines are created in the return control the status is set automatically on the route planning as ’Pending’ similar with ’Concessed’ or ’Finished

If a route payment Line is created the status of Cash Control status is set to ’Pending’. The status ’Open’ is the starting point and every route will contain this value. Only finished can become the status if this is manually set. Adding a Route payment line automatically the status is set again to ’Pending

PBI 232005 - Include the Cut-Off Days and Cut-Off Time in the Customer Shipment Days


Include the Cut-Off Days and Cut-Off Time in the Customer Shipment Days


When you customers order in your webshop, the shipment date for that order should take the cut-of time for that date in account, so they are not able to choose a date that is not possible for delivery anymore.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Customers and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the customer card you want to calculate shipment days for.
  3. On the Customer Card page, choose the Customer Shipment Dates action.
  4. On the Customer Shipment Dates page, choose the Create Shipment Dates action. The action will fill the Cut-Off and Closing Time fields according to the setup of the routes of the customer.

PBI 222983 - Move Route Planning (header) should update Shipment and posting date in Warehouse header (and lines)


When you would move a route planning line to another date by the Move Route Planning function, related warehouse shipments and -receipts were not updated. That has been resolved, both headers and the due date in the warehouse lines are conform the new shipment/receipt date now.