What's new in version 20.202209.0.0

Article01/09/202412 min read


PBI No.Description
220917Docks - License Plate Overview
222273Create periodic invoices/credit memos from the route planning worksheet
222883AOWM-LOG - Pick - Enable docks to be used in warehouse template and scan dock at end of picking
224886Add route planning no. to the license plate list during posting of shipment
225343Customer shipment dates List
225384Update Customer Shipment Dates from source route and Call Schedule page

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
227260Source routes for customer or vendor should be available for all address codes
227468Error in functions Previous/Next Source route in purchase order

PBI 220219 - Docks - License Plate Overview


Docks - License Plate Overview


As a warehouse employee, I want to have an overview of all license plates on a dock, so I can check license plates and the physical place on the shipping zone.


All Docks need to have an unique Code.


Business Central Setup Open Logistics Statuses Enable the Boolean Show on Dock List, on the statuses of the License Plates you want to be able to see in the Dock list.


Open Docks

Check No. of License Plates

Click on the number to get the License Plate List

PBI 222273 - Create Periodic Invoices/Credit memos from the route planning worksheet


FND functions Create periodic Invoices and Create Periodic Credit Memos have been enhanced when LOG is installed, with

  • filter on logistic status
  • activate functions from the route planning worksheet


Where routes are delivered and returns registered on the order and then one clean invoice is required with the deliveries and returns on it. Some routes may have been completed (returns registered and posted) and others not. It should be possible to exclude orders (routes) that are not complete yet. Logistics department staff indicates that by the Logistic Status field on the sales order. (eg. ‘Ready for invoicing’).

In some cases the driver hands over the invoice with the delivery note to the customer (cash payments or else). An invoice with the delivery of today and possibly the returns of last week. It should be possible to create invoices route by route.


Run the Create periodic Invoices batch job and fill field Logistic Status Filter with the status that expresses that the order is completed (deliveries and return receipts posted; ‘ready for invoicing’)

Open the Route Planning Worksheet, select the route planning line you want to invoice. Click on the ‘Posting action’ Create periodic Invoices resp. Create Periodic Credit memos. Automatically a filter is set on those customers for which an order or return order is assigned to the route planning no. Set additional filters as you want (Invoice Period; Start/end date). Select Invoice period = blank if you want to include open shipments of previous orders (‘returned empties of last week’), assuming customers/orders it concerns (‘cash payment’) were setup with that invoice period. Make sure the Logistic Status filter does not exclude them (better leave it blank for this case).

PBI 222883 - AOWM-LOG - Pick - Enable docks to be used in Picking Template and Scan Dock at end of Picking


AOWM Pick - Enable docks to be used in Picking Template and Scan Dock at end of Picking


As a warehouse Manager, I want my warehouse employees to be able to confirm the shipment bin or loading dock in the pick, so I am sure to find the picked itams at the correct place.

The scanner will mandatory request the user to scan the Shipment bin, Dock, Vehicle or Shipping Agent to confirm the place to load or ship from.


The location

  • is Bin mandatory
  • Require Shipment
  • Require Pick

License Plates are mandatory to use for all picks and shipments from this location.

Picking and Loading Confirmation: Total Process Flow

In a warehouse, picks can be placed on different destinations: shipment bins, docks or immediately in a truck.

Full Picks

Depending on setup per picking template, the employee needs to mandatory scan the destination (Shipment bin, Dock, Vehicle or Shipping Agent) after each registration of picking items.

The scanner will not allow the employee to pick another item or complete, neither close, the pick on the scanner, until the destination is scanned.

Mix Picks

Depending on setup per picking template, the employee needs to mandatory scan the destination (Shipment bin, Dock, Vehicle or Shipping Agent) when putting a mixed pallet on the destination.

The scanner will not allow the employee to complete, neither close, the pick on the scanner, until the destination for each mixed pallet linked to this pick is scanned.

Shipment Loading

When not immediately picked in to a truck, picked LPN’s can be on a dock or shipment bin to be loaded.

The scanner will inform the employee, in a loading list, which LPN’s, where to find to load in to the truck.

Depending on setup per Shipping Agent, the employee needs to mandatory scan the destination (Truck or Agent) when putting a pallet on the destination.

The scanner will not allow the employee to complete, neither close, the shipment loading document on the scanner, until the destination for each pallet linked to this shipment is scanned.


At any moment, it needs to be possible to check upon the the LPN’s per Shipment bin, Dock, Shipping Agent and/or Truck.


In Business Central

For the OWM 6 App on the Android Scanner, no setup is needed to display the shipment bin or dock in the Shipment Load List, it will be shown standardly, whenever Picking Confirmation is setup.


Below, the setup for Picking and Loading Confirmation: Total Process Flow is added for your information.


The flow through Business Central

In the Pick

  • Register Pick (Scan LPN or bin)

  • When registering a pick in the OWM 6 App on the Android scanner, the status of the license plate is changed to the Default License Plate Status in the picking template line, if empty, to the Status Picked License Plate on the Adv. Warehouse Setup.

  • The OWM 6 App, checks in the picking template line if a Transport validation Type is entered. If so, this transport Validation Code is added to the License Plate.

    • In a Full LPN Pick, this means you are not able to pick the next LPN until you entered, or scanned, the demanded place (bin, dock, vehicle or Shipping Agent)
    • In a Mix LPN Pick, this means you are not able exit the pick until you entered, or scanned, the demanded place (bin, dock, vehicle or Shipping Agent)
  • Confirm Place (Scan Shipment bin, Dock, Vehicle or Shipping Agent) After confirming the correct place (bin, dock, vehicle or Shipping Agent) in the OWM6 App on the scanner:

    • The status of the License Plate is, depending to the transport validation tables, changed to another status.
    • The Transport Validation Type and Transport Validation Code on the License Plate are moved to the Confirmed Transport Validation Type and Confirmed Transport Validation Code.
    • The Transport Validation Type, on the license plate, is changed to the Next Transport Validation from the Logistics Statuses

In the Shipment Load List

  • Register Loading (Scan LPN or Long press on a line)

    When registering an LPN to be loaded in the OWM 6 App on the Android scanner, the status of the license plate is changed to the Status Loading License Plate on the Adv. Warehouse Setup.

  • Confirm Loaded Place (Scan Vehicle or Shipping Agent)

    When confirming the correct Loaded place (Vehicle or Shipping Agent) in the OWM6 App on the scanner:

    • The status of the License Plate is changed to the Status Loaded License Plate on the Adv. Warehouse Setup.
    • The Transport Validation Type and Transport Validation Code on the License Plate are moved to the Confirmed Transport Validation Type and Confirmed Transport Validation Code.
  • To use Dock or Vehicle, Drink-IT Logistics needs to be installed.

  • It is imperative no Codes of Shipping Bins, Dock, Vehicles, nor Shipping Agent may be equal to each other.

Setup in Business Central

When using this flow, some License statuses are imperative to been setup. Open Logistic Statuses

Add a new Status, for each status needed within the total flow of your warehouse:

  • Type: License Plate
  • Code: Code
  • Action Code: Empty
  • Description: Description
  • Display Order: Integer
  • Allowed Back Steps: Add as many as desired
  • Allowed Next Steps: Add as many as desired
  • Allowed on Post Shipment: Enabled, when you allow shipment to be posted when the license plate has this status.
  • Allowed on Post Invoice: Disabled (no function for License Plates)
  • Exclude from Pick: Enabled, when License Plates with this status are not allowed to been taken into the Create Pick Calculation.

When you want a license plate with a certain status to be protected from being picked, you need to use Outbound blocks for this status.
Show on Load List: Enabled, when you want to show License Plates with this status in the Shipment Load List in the OWM 6 App on the Android scanner.

  • Show on Dock List: Enabled, when you want to show License Plates with this status in the field Number of License Plates in the Dock list
  • Inbound Blocks: Free to add
  • Outbound Blocks: Free to add
  • Handle License Plate Transport Validation: Enabled, when after confirming the shipping bin, dock, vehicle and or shipping agent
  • Next Transport Validation: Select the Next Transport Validation, if wanted.

You are not allowed to use the same License Plate status in 2 different steps within the flow.

Open Adv. Warehouse Setup

Select a different logistic License Plate status for each License Plate status in the setup.

When using Shipment bin, the shipment bins need to be identified.

  • Open Locations
  • Select the location
  • Action Bins
  • Enable the boolean Is Shipping Bin for all bins, used to ship from and to be used to confirm In the OWM 6 App on the scanner

When using Shipping Agent or Vehicle, this needs to be identified.

Open Shipping Agents

Add Transport Validation Type to a shipping agent.

  • Open Locations

  • Select the location

  • Action Configure OWM

    • Action Modules on Scanner
    • Select Warehouse Pick
    • Action Actions
    • Action Validations
    • Add Validation:
      • Step: the step before Resolve bincode from identifier
      • Resolver: None
      • Validator: Validate the transport code
      • Active: Yes

Open Transport Validation Tables

To add a line on Shipment Bin Validation:

  • Code: Code
  • Table ID: 7354
  • Field No. to Validate: 2, to scan the Shipping Bin Code
  • View
    • Order: ASCENDING
    • Filter Line 1
      • Field Name: Location Code
      • Type: VAR
      • Value: SILocationCode
  • Filter Line 2 * Field Name: AOW Is Shipping Bin NIQ * Type: CONST * Value: Yes
  • Status: Code of the new status

To add a line on Dock Validation:

  • Code: Code
  • Table ID: 2014419
  • Field No. to Validate: 2, to scan the Dock Code
  • View
    • Order: ASCENDING
    • Filter Line 1
      • Field Name: Location Code
      • Type: VAR
      • Value: SILocationCode
  • Status: Code of the new status

To add a line on Vehicle Validation:

  • Code: Code
  • Table ID: 2014414
  • Field No. to Validate: 1, to scan the Vehicle Code
  • View
    • Order: ASCENDING
  • Status: Code of the new status

To add a line on Shipping Agent Validation:

  • Code: Code
  • Table ID: 291
  • Field No. to Validate: 1, to scan the Shipping Agent Code
  • View
    • Order: ASCENDING
  • Status: Code of the new status

Open Picking Templates

In the Picking Template to use, select the desired Transport Validation Type

  • Shipment bin
  • Dock
  • Vehicle
  • Shipping Agent

OWM 6 App on Android

  • Open the Module Picks.
  • Open a Pick
  • Register a pick

Depending on the picking template of the pick, after registering a pick, an instruction will be displayed to remind you to scan the needed validation code.

In case of a FULL LPN pick, you need to scan the validation code after picking an LPN.

In case of a MIX LPN pick, you need to scan the validation code before leaving the pick document.

Your are blocked in the pick until you scanned the correct validation code.

Open the Module Shipment Load List.

Open a Shipment Load List

In the lines, the Shipping bin or Dock is displayed.

Depending on the Next Transport Validation of the current License Plate Status, after selecting a Shipment Load List Line by long press or LPN scan, an instruction will be displayed to remind you to scan the needed validation code.

You need to scan the validation code after loading an LPN.

You are blocked in the pick until you scanned the correct validation code.

PBI 224886 - Add route planning no. to the license plate list during posting of shipment

PBI 225434 - Customer Shipment Dates List


Customer Shipment Dates List


When your customers order goods in phone calls with our tele-sales department, or in our web shop, you want to give your customers the opportunity to choose a shipment date for their orders, so you can give them the best service.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Customer Shipment Dates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Customer Shipment Dates page, choose the Create Shipment Dates action.
  3. On the Create Shipment Dates page, fill in fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
  4. Choose the OK button to create lines in the table.
  5. Alternatively, you can also open the customer shipment dates page from the customer card. The system will set the customer number as default filter and will create dates for that customer only.

The create shipment dates batch job uses the shipment day from source routes and call schedule lines to create entries.

PBI 225384 - Update Customer Shipment Dates from Source route and Call Schedule page


A feature from LOG enabled in ASM as well.


Customers may be restricted what days they can get delivered, a customer may perhaps only be delivered on Tuesdays. It is wanted to provide information on possible shipment dates for a customer or ship-to address.



Open the Customer card and select action Source Routes. Create, modify or delete source routes for the customer or ship-to Address. Click on the action Create Shipment Dates, it automatically sets a filter on the customer.


Open the Customer card and select action Call Schedule. Create, modify or delete a call schedule defining calling day, shipment day. Click on the action Create Shipment Dates, it automatically sets a filter on the customer.

Search for Customer Shipment Dates in general or from a customer card and view the possible shipment dates per customer and ship-to address. Customer shipment dates are only created for routes that have a shipment day and for call schedules that have no route.

PBI 227260 - Dock Shipment/Receipt Bin should be updated in warehouse shipment/receipt header when changed manually, or from Route Planning Worksheet


Source routes for customer or vendor should be available for all address codes


Source routes can be created per customer, vendor and per Address Code. In an order that has an address code (Ship-to Address resp. Order Address) source routes for both the address code as general source routes (address code blank, for customer/vendor) should be available to select. That was not the case and has been resolved.

PBI 227468 - Error in functions Previous/Next Source route in Purchase order


Functions Next Source Route and Previous Source Route gave an error in the purchase order and return order. That has been resolved.