What's new in version 18.202207.0.0

Article01/10/202410 min read


PBI No.Description
205717Return Registration from route planning worksheet.
205718Document printing from route planning worksheet.
205719Document posting (sales/purchase) from route planning worksheet.
208958Process statuses warehouse & logistics - Purchase order and Return order.
208994Process statuses warehouse & logistics - extend statuses and actions for purchase and sales return.
217178Co-Driver and trailer in route and route planning worksheet.
220160Logistic employee should exist when opening the route planning worksheet.

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
215035Dock Shipment/Receipt bin should be updated in warehouse shipment/receipt header when changed manually, or from route planning worksheet.
221357Qty Pallet and Qty Transport UOM updated with the wrong sign.
221497FIX - LOG - Status Completely Picked is given to early - shipment only partially picked in reality.
221642Route Planning - move transfer orders does not work.
221900Delivery type and delivery time code not ok in route planning worksheet.
222615Find entries error when route planning contains posted order and linked return order.

PBI 205717 - Return Registration from Route planning worksheet


Return entry from Route planning request line.


Logistics is planned and managed from the route planning worksheet. Registering returned items (empties) is part of the logistics tasks, therefor it has been enabled directly from the route request lines.


Open the Route planning worksheet and select the route planning no. for which returns should be added to the orders. Select an order or return order in the Route Request lines and click on the Return Entry action (works for sales- and purchase orders and return orders). Register the returned quantities, close the page and confirm to apply. When you open the source document you can see that the lines were added to the document (with reversed sign in case of an order). In case the sales- or purchase order was checked with Return Entry to Return order (default from bill-to customer resp. Pay-to vendor) a linked return order is created automatically and the returned items were added to that.

PBI 205718 - Document printing from Route planning worksheet


Document printing from Route planning worksheet.


When you plan your deliveries and receipts by routes, you already had the Route Planning Worksheet available to help you do the planning. With this release, we include the possibility to print or send the documents that are relevant, so you can increase you efficiency when you are using the worksheet.


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Route Planning Worksheet, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Route Planning Worksheet page,
  • Select the Print Sales Order Picklists action to print or send a picklist for all orders in the selected route planning number.
  • Select the Print Sales Order Confirmation action to print or send sales order confirmations for all the orders in the selected route planning number.
  • Select the Print Sales Return Order Confirmations action to print or send sales return order confirmations for all the sales return orders in the selected route planning number.
  • Select the Print Purchase Order Confirmations action to print or send purchase order confirmations for all the purchase orders in the selected route planning number.
  • Select the Print Purchase Return Order Confirmations action to print or send purchase return order confirmations for all the purchase return orders in the selected route planning number.
  • Select the Print Transfer Orders action to print or send transfer orders for all the transfer orders in the selected route planning number.
  1. On the Route Planning Request page,
  • Select the Print Picklist action to print or send a picklist for the selected route planning request.
  • Select the Print Order action to print or send a document for the selected route planning request. The document that will be send or printed depend to your report selection setup.

PBI 205719 - Document posting (sales/purchase) from Route planning worksheet


Sales- and purchase document posting and batch posting from the Route planning worksheet.


In cases where locations are not setup with warehouse activities, orders are posted one by one or in batch. The batch post functions in the worksheet help to do that efficiently, by route planning no., or order by order.


Select a route planning line in the Route Planning Worksheet and click on Posting (in the header section). You can now select any of the available sales and purchase batch post functions.

  • Post Batch Sales Orders
  • Post Batch Sales Return Orders
  • Post Batch Purchase orders
  • Post Batch Purchase Return Orders

For posting a single order, click in the Route Planning Request section on Posting (available for sales and purchase documents) and select from the functions (same as in the document self).

  • Post
  • Post & Send (only available for sales- and purchase orders)
  • Preview Posting

Batch Post & Print is supported by Business Central. Enable the background posting in Sales & Receivables Setup resp. Purchase & Payables Setup. The Batch post functions will then show an option Print in the request page that you can check.

When batch posting from the route planning worksheet, orders will be posted in the delivery sequence, which means that delivery notes and invoices will be printed in the sorting that the driver needs.

PBI 208958 - Process statuses warehouse & logistics - Purchase order and -Return order


Logistic Status in Sales Return order, Purchase order and Purchase Return order.


Orders and return orders (sales. purchase) are created, approved and released. There are no further statuses you can set. It is required that companies define their own status codes, set by the user manually.


Search for Logistic Statuses and create Codes for type Sales Return order. Define per code the allowed next status codes and the allowed previous status codes. Create a new sales return order. Click on action Update to Next Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. Click on action Update to Previous Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. View the Logistic Status on FastTab Logistics In the route planning worksheet field and functions are also available, in the request lines.

Search for Logistic Statuses and create Codes for type Purchase order. Define per code the allowed next status codes and the allowed previous status codes. Create a new purchase order. Click on action Update to Next Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. Click on action Update to Previous Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. View the Logistic Status on FastTab Logistics In the route planning worksheet field and functions are also available, in the request lines.

Search for Logistic Statuses and create Codes for type Purchase return order. Define per code the allowed next status codes and the allowed previous status codes. Create a new purchase return order. Click on action Update to Next Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. Click on action Update to Previous Logistic Status and select from the allowed codes and click OK. View the Logistic Status on FastTab Logistics In the route planning worksheet field and functions are also available, in the request lines.

Add column Logistic Status to the Sales Return order list, Purchase order list and Purchase Return order list pages for a overview on (return) orders and their status.

PBI 208994 - Process statuses warehouse & logistics - extend Statuses and actions for purchase and sales return


Automatic logistic statuses for sales return orders, purchase orders and purchase return orders. That was already enabled for the sales order, now it has been enabled for these documents as well.


Logistic statuses give information on the progress of an order. The user can set the status manually, but certain menu actions should set it automatically.


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Logistic Statuses, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Logistics Statuses page, choose the New action and add lines of the type Sales return order.
  3. In the Action code field select from the defined automatic actions:
  • New document, Released, Order confirmation, Route fixed, Whs. Receipt Created and Received.
  1. Add lines for type Purchase order. In the Action code field select from the defined automatic actions:
  • New document, Released, Order confirmation, Route fixed, Whs. Receipt Created and Received.
  1. Add lines for type Purchase return order. In the Action code field select from the defined automatic actions;
  • New document, Released, Order confirmation, Route fixed, Whs. Receipt Created and Received.
  1. Create new documents:
  • release them
  • print them
  • post them
  • include them in the route planning and set the route planning no to fixed.
  • The logistic statuses will be updated automatically.

PBI 217178 - Co-Driver and Trailer in Route and Route planning worksheet


Co-Driver and Trailer in Route and Route planning worksheet


Companies may deliver goods by trucks with trailers. Routes may require a Co-driver, eg when goods need to be unloaded manually at customer site.


  • In the Routes you can select a default Co-driver and Trailer, it is not mandatory, but when filled a route planning line inherits them.
  • In the route planning worksheet you can select a Co-driver and Trailer (for the multiple order routes). The trailer will increase the capacity in weight and no. of pallet places.
  • Just as the truck and driver, the co-driver and trailer can be printed on logistic documents and are stored in posted documents.

PBI 220160 - Logistic Employee should exist when opening the Route planning worksheet


Logistic Employee should exist when opening the Route planning worksheet.


When you open the Route Planning Worksheet, the system applies filters that are defined in the Logistics Employee list. Therefore, it is necessary that you first setup the employee before he is allowed to open the worksheet.


  1. Choose the Search icon , enter Logistics Employees, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Logistics Employees List page, select the user that needs access to the Route Planning Worksheet.

PBI 215035 - Dock Shipment/Receipt Bin should be updated in warehouse shipment/receipt header when changed manually, or from Route Planning Worksheet


When you create a warehouse shipment or receipt from the route planning worksheet it inherits the dock (and from that the bin code). When the dock was changed on the route planning line, it did not update the warehouse header with it. That has been corrected.


Just like in std. BC Dock and Bin code can only be updated in an open warehouse shipment/receipt and the bin code on existing lines is not updated automatically, the user should do that manually.

PBI 221357 - Qty Pallet and Qty Transport UOM updated with the wrong sign


When you changed the transportation unit or -quantity on an item card with history, it update the item ledger entries with a positive sign in the Quantity (Pallet) and the Qty Transport. Unit. Both outbound and inbound item ledger entries. That has been corrected.

PBI 221497 - Status Completely Picked is given to early - shipment only partially picked in reality sign


When a Warehouse Shipment was partially picked, the Logistical Status of the related sales order could already show the “Warehouse Picked” status. This is solved.

PBI 221642 - Route Planning - Move transfer orders does not work


Moving a transfer order to another route or date in the route planning worksheet or in the order did not synchronize well between route request line and order. That has been resolved.

PBI 221900 - Delivery type and Delivery time code not ok in route planning worksheet


In the route planning worksheet the Delivery time code could not be modified in the request line. Also the fact box did not show all possible delivery times for an order. That has been resolved.

PBI 222615 - Find Entries error when route planning contains posted order and linked return order


When a sales return order was created with the same document no as the sales order no (function Create/Modify Return order does that) and shipments and receipts were posted, the Find Entries action gave an error. That has been resolved.