What's new in version 18.202205.0.0

Article01/10/20248 min read


PBI No.Description
180567Cut-off time per route
208713Process statuses warehouse & logistics - event/triggers outbound
210668Process statuses warehouse & logistics - redesign of table warehouse statuses
211642Allow Logistic user to add or remove orders to a fixed route planning no.
215284Route list (limited) per customer and vendor
216651Extensibility on logistic
216966Field Delivery Sequence on Route Planning Request Table
217129Route planning - Moving Route Planning Lines with pop-up also in request line part

Resloved issues

PBI No.Description
218031Fix error on create new doc from customer/Vendor list or card. (LOG)

PBI 180567 - Cut-off time per route


Prevent releasing documents to a route when the date and time is due for entering a document.


Sales orders are delivered as soon as possible. When an order is created before a certain time it can be delivered the same day, or the next day, or the day after… As a route planner I want to be able to define ‘cut-off times’ per route, defined by a time and a no. of days. e.g orders for a delivery route created before 13.00 today, can be delivered tomorrow, else it will be later. An order intaker should be alerted on that.


Setup on the logistic employee.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Logistics Employees List, and then choose the related link.
  2. Edit the list for the Logistics Employees List.
  3. Setup the field Route Cut off warning.
  4. No warning, warning or blocking are the possible options.

PBI 208713 - Process statuses warehouse & logistics - event/triggers outbound


Process statuses warehouse & logistics - event/triggers outbound.


As a warehouse manager/customer service/transport planner I want to be able to follow up the status of my outbound process by using warehouse/process statuses that will be triggered by an event or a manual selection of the new status.


Drink-IT has generated for the sales order a list of actions which will influence the logistic status on an automatic way in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Actions List, and then choose the related link.
  2. The available actions list will appear, this list is created by the system. New actions can be added by Development.

These actions can be triggered in the setup of the Logistic Statuses.

PBI 210668 - Process statuses warehouse & logistics - redesign of table warehouse statuses


Process statuses warehouse & logistics: Depending on the moment we are in the logistics/warehouse process, we want sales orders/route planning to get a status so you can do a complete follow up of an order/shipment/route planning.


As a warehouse manager, transport planner, customer service,… I want to be able to follow up the warehouse/logistics process by means of process statuses that indicate where we are in the logistics/warehouse process. We want sales orders/route planning to get a status so you can do a complete follow up of an order/shipment/route planning. As a transport planner/warehouse manager I also want to use the statuses to make it possible to block certain actions. For example when a route planning is fixed a sales order should not be modified.


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Logistic Statuses, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Logistic Statuses page, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
  3. Specify the code, if there is an automatic trigger to set the status, specify the action trigger so statuses will be updated automatically when this action is being executed by the system.
  4. If no action trigger is being set, this indicates that this is a manual trigger for the system.
  5. Display order, Allowed Back Step and Allowed Next Steps are mandatory to create a correct flow.
  6. Allowed on Post Shipment or Allowed on Post Invoice enables posting Shipment and/or Invoice from this Status. If the field is not checked, posting will be blocked if a document has this status.

PBI 211642 - Allow Logistic user to add or remove orders to a fixed route planning no.


A Route planning no can be checked as Fixed. Allow per Logistic employee if it is allowed to move orders from and to a fixed route planning no.


When a route planner has fixed a route/drive for a shipment date (route planning no), it should not just happen that new orders are added to it or that orders are removed from it (pallets may already have been prepared, even loaded into the truck). Only Logistic users with permission should be able to do so.


Open the Logistic Employees List. By default all uses have the permission to change fixed route planning nos. Set field Allow To Change a Fixed Route planning to Blocking if a user is not allowed, set it to Warning when the user is allowed, but will be prompted with a warning first. No Warning means the user can move an order to a fixed route or remove an order from it, without getting a warning.

Orders can be moved to or removed from a route planning no in following ways. from the order by changing the route or shipment date. from the route planning request lines by changing route, shipment date or drive. from the route planning header and -request lines by the Move Route Planning function. When a new order is created for route + shipment date, a new drive is created automatically when existing one(s) were set to Fixed. The same goes for orders moved to a route + shipment date.

PBI 215284 - Route list (limited) per customer and vendor


Source Routes from Customer or Vendor.


As a Logistics planner I want to rely on that, not plan customer orders in wrong routes.

We have our routes organized by day and by region. Customer are assigned a default route and allowed to some other routes, but not all. A customer in the north should never be assigned to a route in the south. Same for weekdays. We have contracts with customers that they are delivered on one or two fixed days in the week, the order intaker should not deviate from that. Same for vendors when we have to plan a pickup.


Setup on the Customer or Vendor

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card of the customer for which you want to set Delivery Sequence.
  3. On the Logistic FastTab, open the Source Route using the assist drill down button of the field Route.
  4. The page Source routes will be opened, Multiple Source routes can be defined.
  5. Fill in the necessary fields.
  6. On the logistic FastTab of the customer card, the field Route Limit can be enabled.
    • Enabled, specifies if only routes from the source routes may be selected. The field Route becomes uneditable, a user can only change routes by drilling down to the source routes table or by the functions Next route planning no. resp. Previous route planning no.
    • Disabled, specifies a user can still select all routes in an order.

PBI 216651 - Extensibility on logistic

Technical change

Expectation is that changing a route, drive, shipment / receipt date the code from the product has one flow, but the project team can extend, replace the code from the product and make there own solution concerning what is happening when I change one of the key fields from logistic.

  • Route
  • Drive
  • Shipment / receive date

Especially with integration of warehousing and external integration apps.

PBI 216966 - Field ‘Delivery Sequence’ on Route Planning Request Table


Delivery sequence from Source Routes to the Route planning worksheet.


As a transport planner I would like to be able to create a delivery sequence of the orders in one route in the route planning request page so that I can define a logical route for the truck driver.


The flow of the field Delivery sequence goes from Source route to Sales Order to the route planning. Equal setup and functionality is available on Purchase.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card of the customer for which you want to set Delivery Sequence.
  3. On the Logistic FastTab, open the Source Route using the assist button of the field Route.
  4. The page Source routes will be opened, the Delivery Sequence can be setup for this customer on this route.
  5. A new sales order will inherit this value from the previous setup. Changes can be made manually or by selecting another route.
  6. By releasing the sales order the route planning request is created and will inherit the value of Delivery Sequence from the Sales document. Changes can be made manually in the route planning request.

PBI 217129 - Route planning - Moving Route Planning Lines with Pop-Up also in Request line part


Function Move Route Planning in the route request lines page, to move multiple selected orders at once.


Moving multiple orders to another route, date or driver could already be done from the header part in the route planning worksheet, for all orders at once. It was requested to have that function in the request lines section as well, for selected orders.


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Route Planning Worksheet, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the Route Planning Worksheet by using the filter options.
  3. Select a route planning no. with orders linked to it.
  4. Select one or multiple lines in the Route planning Request and click on Move Route Planning from the Route planning request ribbon below Route planning.
  5. Select new route, driver and/or Shipment/receipt date and click OK.
  6. The selected orders will be moved.

PBI 218031 - Fix error on create new Doc from customer/Vendor list or card. (LOG)


When you created a New Document from the Customer List, or Customer Card, the system gave an error when the customer was setup with automatic inserted recurring sales lines. This is solved.