What's new in version 18.202203.0.0

Article01/10/20246 min read


PBI No.Description
209945Change Logistic fields in a released order may require to recalculate charges.
210119The field Shipment Method should be disabled when the field Multiple Order Route is enabled.
212364Warning new line created, when changing the quantity on sales order when no warehouse shipment is created.
213419It should not be possible to move an order that is part of a warehouse shipment/receipt to another RP No.
214024Create warehouse shipment/receipt from route request lines should also give the Combine option.

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
210103Logistics FactBox is not update when moving from document to another.
214009Locations are not updated as expected into return document.

PBI 209945 - Change Logistic fields in a released order may require to recalculate charges


As a Logistics manager, it may happen that I am asked to change certain fields for a (released) order in my route planning activities. A customer may ask to delivery another day, or change the shipment method from pickup to delivery. It may even happen that I have to move an entire drive (multiple orders) to the next day, eg when a driver is ill, or a vehicle malfunctioning.

I want to be able do so in an efficient and simple way.


Shipment date/exp. receipt date, shipment method are criteria in Sales and purchase conditions and partly in Taxes and EG rules.

  • When SPC is enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.
  • When TAX enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.
  • When EGM is enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.

The user should be asked one time to confirm this. If yes,

  • Reopen order, Update changed criteria field, release again with new recalculation of document APP lines and attached charge lines.
  • when changed for an entire drive (multiple orders): ask only one time, not per order again.
  • when the criterion is in place for multiple extensions (SPC, TAX, EGM), ask only one time, not per App again.


  1. Search for foundation Setup.
  2. On General tab in the Foundation Setup, the field Allow DIT lines recalculation on released orders will steer the functionality of changing key values in a released order even changing this from the Route planning worksheet.

PBI 210119 - The field shipment Method should be disabled when the field “Multiple Order Route” is enabled


Changing setup data from Logistics can lead to unexpected values on the route planning worksheet when a multiple order route is enabled.


If one of the key fields is setup for a route , it will be disabled for the customer, vendor , purchase and sales documents. The key fields are:

  • Shipping location/Receipt location
  • Shipping agent code
  • Shipping agent service code
  • Shipment method code


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Routes, and then choose the related link.
  2. Enable Multi order Route and select a shipment method.
  3. Select the Search icon , enter Customer, and then choose the related link.
  4. Select the Route on the customer card on the tab Logistics.
  5. Notice that Shipment Method is not editable and inherits the value from the route.

PBI 212364 - Warning ‘new line created’, when changing the quantity on sales order when no warehouse shipment is created


When a order intaker makes a change to an order we want to notified if a change is made on the order document. Only when this change has an impact to pay attention on.


In case we make a change to an order that has a location with warehouse documents actived, we don’t need an notification if the warehouse documents where not yet created.


  1. Create a new Sales Order with a customer which is linked to a route with a warehouse mandatory location.
  2. Release the Sales Order.
  3. The route planning is created, to be checked in the tab LOGISTICS.
  4. Reopen the Sales Order.
  5. Add a new line.
  6. Release the Sales Order.
  7. Check the Route planning worksheet for the route planning no., NO warning is created.
  8. Create the warehouse document from the Route planning no.
  9. Reopen the Sales order.
  10. Add a new line.
  11. Release the Sales order.
  12. Check the Route planning worksheet for the route planning no., warning ‘New line created’ is visible on the route planning no. and Route planning request page.
  13. After executing the action create/modify warehouse shipment the warning will disappear.

PBI 213419 - It should not be possible to move an order that is part of a warehouse shipment/receipt to another RP No.


Changing route planning after a warehouse document was created conflicts with standard BC rules.


In case of a multiple order route this functionality has an impact. Multiple Order route can have the impact that one warehouse document is created for multiple order lines linked to the Route planning line. This is depending if you choose during creation of the warehouse document to use the combine functionality. A change in the warehouse documents can only be applied when the warehouse document can be reopened. The move functionality in the route planning worksheet will automatically reopen the warehouse document, delete the order from the warehouse document, create or modify a new warehouse document for the other route planning line.


  1. Select a route planning line.
  2. Warehouse documents are created for this route planning line.
  3. Go to the route planning request part of the page.
  4. Change the route or drive no. for the route planning request.
  5. Select YES on the question Do you want to combine Warehouse Shipment? If you want that the selected lines are added or created on one warehouse shipment for the new route or drive.
  6. Select NO on the question Do you want to combine Warehouse Shipment? If you want that the selected lines creates for every order a separate warehouse document.

PBI 214024 - Create warehouse shipment/receipt from route request lines should also give the ‘Combine’ option


As a planner I want to be able to create combined warehouse shipments or warehouse receipts from the Route planning worksheet undependly if you execute the action from the Route planning header or from the route planning Request page using the create warehouse functionality.


When you execute the create warehouse functionality, the system will ask if you want to combine yes or No. The combine functionality creates a separate Warehouse Shipment/receipt per order or not.


  1. Select a route planning line in the route planning worksheet.

  2. Go to actions and execute Create/Modify warehouse Shipment.
    A question will pop-up, Do you want to combine warehouse Shipment.

    • Upon selecting Yes, the warehouse shipment will be created for all orders linked to the route planning line.
    • Upon selecting No, for every order linked to the route planning line will a warehouse shipment be created.
  3. Select a route planning line in the route planning worksheet.

  4. Select the order in the lower part Route planning Request.

  5. Go to Create Warehouse and execute Create/Modify warehouse Shipment.
    A question will pop-up, Do you want to combine warehouse Shipment

    • Upon selecting Yes, the warehouse shipment will be created for all orders linked to the route planning line.
    • Upon selecting No, for every order linked to the route planning line will a warehouse shipment be created.

PBI 210103 - Logistics FactBox is not update when moving from document to another




Refresh the logistics fact box , after an update on documents. The fact box will be updated after a refresh on the page.

PBI 214009 - Locations are not updated as expected into return document


Bugfix When a return order is created the shipping location was incorrect.


When select a route into a purchase return order, the location should be the shipping location. When select a route into a sales return order, the location should be the receipt location.