Use Vendor Lot No. Filter on the Item Tracing page

Article05/08/20231 min read

To use the Trace functions on the Item Tracing page for all lot numbers linked to a specific vendor lot number,

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Tracing, and then click the related link.
    The Item Tracing page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, in the Vendor Lot No. Filter field, click the lookup button to choose a value for the Vendor Lot No. Filter.
    The Lot Origin Details page opens.
  3. Select the required Vendor Lot No..
  4. Click OK.
    The selected vendor lot number is used as a filter on the Lot Origin Details table. On the Item Tracing page, on the General FastTab, the Lot No. Filter field is filled with the lot number(s) of the lines that apply to this vendor lot number filter.
    The Lot Nos. are separated with a pipeline if multiple lot numbers apply to the Vendor Lot No. Filter.
  5. You can also use the standard Trace functions on the Item Tracing page.
    You can trace where a lot or serial number assigned to the item was used, such as finding which lot a defective component came from or finding all the customers who received items containing the defective component.