Lot Origin Details

Article05/15/20234 min read

The Lot Origin Details provide extra information about the lot number, such as the country of origin where the item has been manufactured, produced, or where an item originally comes from. Other details can be added as well, such as the vendor lot number, production date, grower and certificate number.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot No. Information List and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Lot No. Information List page, select and click the link in the Lot No. field.
  3. On the Lot Origin Details FastTab, enter Vendor Lot No.
  4. Enter Production Date.
  5. Enter Grower.
  6. Select and click the grower that has originally produced the items in this lot.
    When selecting the grower, the Country of Origin and Certificate Number are automatically inherited to the Lot Origin Details.
  7. Enter Field Identification.
  8. Enter Remark.

The Lot Origin Details are now filled in completely.

Country of Origin

The Country of Origin of a lot number can be assigned manually to the Lot Number Information card, but it is also automatically populated when a receipt is being posted, and when output for a production or assembly order is created. The Country of Origin is also copied to the Lot Number Information card when a new sublot is created by using the Aptean Food & Beverage Sublot Management extension.

Purchase Process

The information about the Country of Origin is automatically added to the lot number when a lot-tracked item is being received due to a purchase.

The Country of Origin is automatically added to the Lot Origin Details when a new lot number is created during the purchase process, or an existing Lot No. Information Card is selected which doesn’t contain a Lot Origin Detail. The Country of Origin is assigned when the purchase order is posted for receipt, an inventory put-away is registered or when a warehouse receipt is posted.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Purchase Orders list page, on the action bar, click New to create a new entry.
  3. In the Vendor Name field, select and click the required vendor number.
  4. Click OK.

The Country/Region in the purchase header defines which country of origin will be added automatically to the Lot Origin Details when the Lot No. Information Card is created.


When changing the Country/Region Code in the purchase order and lot numbers have been selected in the purchase lines that contain a different Country of Origin, a message occurs. This mentions that when the selected Country/Region differs from at least one of the Country of Origin fields of the assigned lot(s), the country of origin field(s) on the Lot No. Information card(s) should be checked and updated manually if necessary.

Production/Assembly Process

The information about the Country of Origin is automatically added to the lot number when during the production and assembly process output is being posted for a lot-tracked item.

The Country of Origin is automatically added to the Lot Origin Details when a new lot number (which doesn’t have a Lot No. Information Card) is created when posting the output.

In this case, the Output Journal will be used as an example for posting production output.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Output Journals and then choose the related link.
    When posting the production output, the country of origin derives from the Location Code that is selected on the line.


    The Country/Region Code selected on the location card will be assigned as country of origin in the Lot Origin Detail. When the location code is empty on the line, the Country/Region Code of the Company Information will be used.

  2. Select the Search icon , enter Assembly Orders and then choose the related link.

  3. On the Assembly Orders page, select and click the required No. to open the Assembly Order card page.

  4. When posting the assembly output, the country of origin derives from the Location Code that is selected on the assembly header.


    The Country/Region Code selected on the Location Card will be assigned as Country of Origin in the Lot Origin Detail. When the Location Code is empty on the line, the Country/Region Code of the Company Information will be used.