Filter by Vendor Lot Number

Article05/15/20231 min read

To get an overview of all the lot numbers linked to a specific vendor lot number:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot No. Information List, and then click the related link.
  2. On the Lot No. Information List page, on the action bar, select Filter.
  3. Click Filter by Vendor Lot No.
    The Lot Origin Details page opens.
  4. Select the required Vendor Lot No.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The Lot No. Information List page now shows only the lot numbers linked to the filtered Vendor Lot No.
    A pipeline separates the lot numbers if multiple lot numbers are linked to the selected Vendor Lot No.

To clear the Vendor Lot no. filter

On the Lot No. Information List page, on the action bar, select Filters > Clear Vendor Lot No. filter.

The filter on Lot No. is cleared.