
Article • 4/3/2023 • 3 min read

The Aptean Lot Management extension makes it possible to generate self-built lot numbers via lot number profiles and easily look up a lot number and its associated information on the Lot No. Information list.

With lot number profiles it is possible to create a lot number with different elements, such as a date, a vendor element or a document number. By means of a conversion table, it is possible to convert a date to a specific code which can also be used as an element in a lot number.

If a maximum number of characters for a lot number should be allowed, for example, because of working with other external systems, this can be set up.

When opening the Lot No. Information list, the page shows detailed information regarding the lot such as item no., variant code, description, quantity in inventory and base unit of measure.

It is possible to use multiple filters on the Lot No. Information list to create cross-sectional data or to slice data. After opening the Lot No. Information card, several functions can be used. For example, the expiration date or the inspection status can be changed (if the extensions Expiration Management and Inspection Status are installed). This is possible both on a desktop and on a tablet.

The factbox that shows the lot location/bin content is visible on the desktop on the Lot No. Information list as well as on the Lot No. Information card. When using a tablet, the factbox is only visible on the Lot No. Information card.

The Lot Origin Details provide extra information about the lot number, such as the country of origin where the item has been manufactured, produced, or where an item originally comes from. Other details can be added as well, such as the vendor lot number, production date, grower and certificate number. The Country of Origin of a lot number can be assigned manually to the lot number information card, but it is also automatically populated when a receipt is being posted, and when output for a production or assembly order is created.

Insight is given into the item tracking of an item that is lot-tracked in a document without the need to open the Item Tracking page. For this purpose, two fields are added various documents throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The first field, called Item Tracking, shows if item tracking is needed for the item entered on the document line, or if the total quantity is (not yet) entered in the item tracking for the document line. When clicking on the field, it will in all cases open the Item Tracking page. The second field, called Assigned Lot(s), shows the lot number if one lot number has been assigned for the document line in the item tracking.