Automatic Lot Numbering

Article05/15/20233 min read

When purchase orders are large in number, or have a lot of lines, it can be labor intensive to manually create the item tracking information. Automatic creation of the lot number is preferred in such scenario. The Aptean Food and Beverage Lot Management extension allows you to automate this process by means of a setup field on the Lot Management Setup page.

Set up automatic creation of lot numbers

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot Management Setup and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Lot Management Setup page, on the Automatic Lots FastTab, click the dropdown menu in the Automatically Assign Lot No. on Purchase Order field.

The following table describes the four options on the dropdown menu.

No CreationSpecifies that lot numbers will not be assigned automatically under any case.
AlwaysSpecifies that a lot number automatically created either on pressing Assigned Lot(s) or on release.
On ReleaseSpecifies that a lot number is automatically created on release of the purchase order.
Per Assigned Lot(s) FieldSpecifies that a lot number is automatically created when the user clicks on the field and no Lots are assigned.

To enable automatic creation of lot numbers

  1. On the Item Card page, on the Item Tracking FastTab, click the dropdown menu in the Item Tracking Code field.
  2. On the Select-Item Tracking Codes page, on the action bar, click Edit to open the Item Tracking Code Card.
  3. On the Lot No. FastTab, turn on the Lot Purchase Tracking toggle. This field specifies that the inbound purchase document lines requires a lot number.

Automatic creation of lot numbers on Purchase Orders

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Purchase Orders list page, on the action bar, click New.
  3. On the Purchase Order page and fill in the necessary details.
  4. On the Lines FastTab, in the Type field, choose Item, enter Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure Code and Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT.
  • If the Automatically Assign Lot No. on Purchase Order field on the Lot Management Setup page is set to No Creation, the Item Tracking field on the Purchase Order page is set as Incomplete and the Assigned Lot(s) field remains empty.
    You can click the Assigned Lot(s) field to open the Item Tracking Lines page to create the lot number(s) manually.
  • If the Automatically Assign Lot No. on Purchase Order field on the Lot Management Setup page is set to Always, the Item Tracking field on the Purchase Order page is set as Complete and the Assigned Lot(s) field is filled with the newly created lot number. This change is observed irrespective of the status of the document.
  • If the Automatically Assign Lot No. on Purchase Order field on the Lot Management Setup page is set to On Release, the Item Tracking field on the Purchase Order page is set as Complete and the Assigned Lot(s) field is filled with the newly created lot number. This change is observed only when the document is released.
  • If the Automatically Assign Lot No. on Purchase Order field on the Lot Management Setup page is set to Per Assigned Lot(s) Field, the Item Tracking field on the Purchase Order page is set as Complete and the Assigned Lot(s) field is filled with the newly created lot number only for the specific line that is selected.
  1. On the action bar, click Release > Release.