What's new in version 1.24.103469.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


With this release of the Aptean Lot Management extension, you can:

  • Assign a lot based on the routing lines in the production order using Lot No. Profile. For more information, see Lot No. Profiles.
  • Suggest a variable that helps you to name the lot that will be assigned on the Released Production Order page. For more information, see Create Lot No. with Lot No. Profile.
  • Use lot production date while assigning lot to released production orders using Lot No. Profile. This function works only if the Aptean Expiration Management extension is installed. For more information, see Lot No. Profiles.

UI/UX Changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • A new Prod. Order Line Lot No. option is added in the Element field on the Lot No. Profile card page.
  • A new Lot No. to Use and Lot Production Date field is added on the relevant Released Production Order page.
  • A new Production Date option is added in the Use Date field for the following elements on the Lot No. Profile card page:
    • Year Number Long
    • Year Number Short
    • Month Number
    • Week Number
    • Week day Number
    • Day Number
    • Year Code
    • Month Code
    • Week Code
    • Week Day Code
    • Day Code
    • Julian Date
    • Julian Day

For more information, see Lot No. Profiles.