Error handling

Article08/09/20242 min read

While accessing the Aptean food and beverage extensions for the first time in a day, the system automatically checks for the license validity. This check executes the Refresh Subscription function on the Subscription Management page. However, if the first user that connects to the system when the check needs to be performed does not have SUPER user permission, this check may result in an error.

While posting a consumption journal, the following error appears: “You don’t have sufficient permissions to refresh the license and subscription data. If this message persists, you run the risk that the Aptean for food and beverage extensions will stop working.”

The license subscriptions must be refreshed either manually or automatically to handle this error. For more information, see Refresh subcriptions.

Error encountered after extension update

After updating an Aptean extension, for some functionality, you will get an error stating that “This function cannot be executed because the license status of the extension is invalid. See page Subscription Overview.” This error occurs when the extension is updated, but the associated dependent applications are not updated.

To resolve this issue, you must uninstall the extension that is causing the error without removing the data. Turn off the Delete Extension Data toggle while uninstalling the extension. Once the extension is successfully uninstalled, you must install the extension again and then refresh the license subscription.