Item tracking code

Article03/11/20242 min read

On the Item Card page, you can change the item tracking code of an item. If the new item tracking code that you want to assign has the Lot Tracking Specification toggle enabled but the existing item tracking code does not, then you can modify the item tracking code of the item. You cannot change the item tracking code of an item if both new and existing item tracking codes have the same setup.

You cannot change the item tracking code for the item that exists in:

  • Sales documents
  • Purchase documents
  • Production orders
  • Transfer orders
  • Item journal
  • Warehouse journal
  • Open item ledger entries

Also, the item tracking code cannot be changed for the item that exists as a component in any production orders and for the item that is set with any reservations.

To change the item tracking code

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items and then choose the related link.
    The Items list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the relevant Item Card page.
  3. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Change Item Tracking Code.
    The Update Item Tracking Code page opens.
  4. In the New Item Tracking Code field, select the item tracking code that you want to assign.
  5. In the Lot No. field, enter the lot number that you want to assign.

    It is mandatory to provide the value in the Lot No. field if the items are lot tracked.

  6. In the Package/License Plate No., enter the package or license plate number that you want to assign.
  7. Select OK.

When the item ledger entries and warehouse ledger entries are updated, the item tracking code is changed for the item along with the values in the Lot No. and Package/License Plate No. fields.


You can change the item tracking code only by using the Change Item Tracking Code action.