Inventory worksheet

Article12/27/20237 min read

On the Inventory Worksheet page, you can validate the inventory records before processing them to the item ledger entries. By validating the inventory records, you can find the errors that need to be fixed. The inventory records can be manually entered or imported to the Inventory Worksheet page through configuration packages.

The Inventory Worksheet page displays the basic information related to the inventory record along with its validation status. It also shows the number of errors, if any, that the inventory record contains, once it is validated. You can view the errors on the Inventory Worksheet Errors page. You can revalidate the inventory records after resolving the errors. For more information, see Inventory Worksheet Errors.

You can also personalize the respective fields to view the information related to the inventory records. The editable fields that can be personalized are,

  • Package No. (renamed to “License Plate No.” if the Aptean License Plating extension is installed)
  • Serial No.
  • Variant code
  • Weight Quantity (WU)
  • Net Weight

The non-editable fields that can be personalized are,

  • Qty. (Base)
  • Item Category Code
  • Item Tracking Code
  • Costing
  • Shipping Container Code (if the Aptean License Plating extension is installed)
  1. On the action bar, select Actions > Process > Validate Data to validate the inventory records. The following occurrences are verified, and the errors are updated on the Inventory Worksheet Errors page. An error occurs:

    • If there is no value in the Location Code field while the Location Mandatory toggle is turned on for the inventory on the Inventory Setup page.
    • If there is no value in the Bin Code field while the Bin Mandatory toggle is turned on on the specified Location Card page.
    • If there is no value in the Lot No. field while the Lot Positive Adjmt. Tracking toggle for Inbound is turned on on the relevant Item Tracking Code Card page.
    • If there is no value in the Serial No. field while the SN Positive Adjmt. Tracking toggle for Inbound is turned on on the relevant Item Tracking Code Card page.
    • If the value in the Quantity field is not equal to 1 while the Serial No. field is filled with any value.
    • If the value in the Quantity field is zero.

      The Unit of Measure Code field must have a value in order to enter a value in the Quantity field.

    • If there is no value in the Package No. field while the Package Positive Adjmt. Tracking toggle is turned on for Inbound on the relevant Item Tracking Code Card page.

      This error occurs only if the Aptean License Plating extension is not installed in the system.

    • If there is no value in the License Plate No. field while:
      • The License Plate Positive Adjmt. Tracking toggle for Inbound is turned on on the relevant Item Tracking Code Card page.
      • The Require License Plate Tracking toggle is turned on on the specified Location Card page.
    • If the License Plate No. field is not blank, and the Shipping Container Code field is empty.
    • If the License Plate No. field is not blank, a license plate record already exists for that license plate number, and the Shipping Container Code field value does not match the current record.
    • If the License Plate No. is blocked.

      These errors occur only if the Aptean License Plating extension is installed in the system.

    • If multiple records for the same Item/Variant/Lot have more than one Attribute Value assigned for the same Lot Attribute.
    • If the existing Lot No. Information record for an Item/Variant/Lot has a different Lot Attribute Value (for a particular Lot Attribute) than the values on the Inventory Worksheet page.
    • If a Lot Attribute Value is not among those attributes allowed for the Lot Attribute.
    • If the Lot Attribute value is not blank and does not match the Fixed Value on the Lot Attribute Template page.
    • If the Lot Attribute value is not blank and does not match the Allowed Value on the Lot Attribute Template page.

      These errors occur only if the Aptean Advanced Attribute extension is installed in the system.

    • If there is no value in the Expiration Date field while the Require Expiration Date Entry toggle is turned on on the relevant Item Tracking Code Card page.
    • If the values in the Expiration Date field are not the same for the inventory records that exist with the same item number and lot number. It also verifies whether the relevant inventory record has the same item number, lot number, and expiration date on the item ledger entries.
    • If there is no value in the Weight Quantity (WU) field while the Aptean Catch Weight extension is installed in the system.

      This error occurs only if the Catch Weight toggle is turned on on the Item Card page.

    • If the value in the Short Dimension field is different from the value in the Dimension Value Code field of the item while the Value Posting field is set to Same Code on the relevant item Default Dimensions page.
    • If the value in the Unit Cost field is zero while the Costing Method field is set to Standard on the relevant Item Card page.
    • If more than one inventory has the same item number, variant code, location code, bin code, unit of measure code, lot number, serial number, and license plate number.

      This validation verifies all the worksheets on the Inventory Worksheet page. The inventory records with the same set of information will not be validated.

    • If the Directed Put-away and Pick toggle is turned on for the specified Location Card page.

    When the validation is completed, the Validated checkbox will be selected for the inventory records that have no errors. If you make any changes to the inventory record after the successful validation, the Validated checkbox will be cleared.


    After validation, if you delete any inventory record, the errors that are associated with it will also be deleted on the Inventory Worksheet Errors page.

  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Process > Process Records to process and move the validated inventory records to the Item Journal page. It navigates you to the Process Records page.
    On the Process Records page, fill in the fields as follows:

    1. Turn on the Move to Item Journal toggle to move the validated inventory records to the Item Journal page.
    2. Turn on the Move and Post Item Journal toggle to move the validated inventory records to the Item Journal page and post it through the item ledger entries.

      Only one of the two toggles mentioned above can be turned on.

    3. In the Document No. field, enter the new document number.
    4. In the Item Journal Template Name field, select the item journal template that you want to use to post through the item ledger entries.
    5. In the Item Journal Batch field, select the item journal batch that you want to use in the selected item journal template.

      The selected item journal batch should not contain any inventory record.

    6. In the Posting Date field, select the date on which you want to post the inventory records.
    7. In the Gen. Prod. Posting Group field, select the group that you want to assign to the inventory records. If this field is left blank, it will assign the group that is selected on the relevant Item Card page.

      All the errors should be fixed or deleted before processing the inventory records. The processed inventory line will be deleted on the Inventory Worksheet page.

    8. Select OK. The inventory records will be processed, and a Lot No. Information Card will be created for the corresponding lot number.

      If the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension is installed, you can see the Lot Attributes FactBox on the Lot No. Information List and Lot No. Information Card pages. It displays the relevant global lot attribute fields.

  3. On the action bar, select Actions > Related > Errors to view the information about the errors. It also navigates to the Inventory Worksheet Errors page.