Skip blocked lot numbers when picking according to FEFO

Article05/08/20232 min read

First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) is a sorting method that ensures that the oldest items, those with the earliest expiration dates, are picked first. This only happens if one or both of the following conditions are met.

  • The used location has the Pick According to FEFO toggle turned on.
  • The Lot Specific Tracking and Strict Expiration Posting toggles on the item tracking codesetup of the Item are turned on.
    If either one or both of the conditions mentioned above are satisfied, the following scenario will occur:
    • When generating an inventory or warehouse pick for documents such as sales orders, production orders, or transfer orders, all lot numbers that are blocked for the sales, transfer, or production consumption availability and/or the corresponding sales, transfer, or production consumption picks will be skipped when a lot number is assigned to the pick line.

    • When using the Create Consolidated Production Movement function to create an inventory movement, any lot numbers that are blocked for production consumption availability or production consumption pick will be skipped when assigning a lot number to the inventory movement. This applies only when the Create Inventory/Warehouse Movement toggle on the Create Consolidated Production Movement page is turned on.


      If all the available lot numbers are blocked for production consumption availability and/or production consumption pick, the inventory movement cannot be created.