Inspection Status Setup

Article06/07/20235 min read

The inspection status setup must be completed before working with the Inspection Status extension.

Select the Search icon , enter Inspection Status Setup and then choose the related link.

The Inspection Status Setup page opens.

General inspection status setup

You can assign which inspection status should be automatically assigned to each new lot number based on a specific item attribute value. So, for example, lots with the color “Red” will be assigned with the status 1, and lots with the color “Blue” will be assigned with the status 2. Before the default inspection statuses can be set on the Default Inspection Status page, the item attribute (in this case, “Color”) must be specified in the Inspection Status Item Attribute field.

  1. On the Inspection Status Setup page, on the General FastTab, in the Inspection Status Item Attribute field, select an item attribute from the list. Suppose a connection between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and a 3rd party solution or service exists which uses an API to change the inspection status. In that case, a reason code must be set up. When using the “Change Inspection Status” API, the API Reason Code Change Inspection Status from the Inspection Status Setup page will be used.
  2. In the API Reason Code Change Inspection Status field, select the reason code used for changing the inspection status of the lot number through an API.
    To make use of theChange Inspection Status for (Sales) Expired Lot Numbers function, you must set up a Reason Code when Changing Status of Expired Lots. This function and setup are only available if the Aptean Expiration Management extension is installed. When the function is executed, the inspection status will be automatically changed for lot numbers for which the expiration date and/or sales expiration date has expired before or on the work date. The selected reason code in theReason Code when Changing Status of Expired Lots field will be shown in the Inspection Status Alerts page and makes it possible to identify that the inspection status changes have been made by the function. The reason code will also be shown in the Audit Trail of the lot number.
  3. In the Reason Code when Changing Status of Expired Lots field, select a reason code from the list.
    Lot numbers that are blocked (via an inspection status) for a sales transaction due to quality reasons, are often still sold to a specific customer (group) who accepts these quality defects.
    The Exceptions Blocked status Customer Attributefield can be filled to specify which customer groups (through customer attributes) accept these quality defects. The field can only be filled if the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension is installed.
  4. In the Exceptions Blocked status Customer Attribute field, select a customer attribute name from the list.
  5. Click OK.

The general inspection status setup is now completed.

See Inspection Status List for more information about the Blocked Status Exceptions.

Alerts inspection status setup

Multiple alerts can be created while using the Inspection Status extension. These alerts can, for example, be used to send an email via Microsoft Automate or trigger another process in an external system (using Azure Service Bus). Before being able to create alerts, it’s necessary to define some additional inspection status settings.

  1. On the Inspection Status Setup page, on the Alerts FastTab, turn on the Enable Alerts toggle. An inspection status alert is created when a lot number is created with an inspection status, or when the inspection status of a lot number is changed.
    See Inspection Status Alerts for more information.
  2. In the Azure Service Bus URL field, enter the URL for the Inspection Status Alerts Azure function.
    The Topic field specifies the topic to which messages are sent. Messages are sent to a topic and delivered to one or more associated subscriptions.
    The Time to Live field specifies the deadline after which content is no longer delivered, or the requested operation is no longer executed.
    The Number of Retries field specifies the number of attempts to send an inspection status alert. After the retries fail, the circuit breaker will start and deliver the inspection status alert. See Circuit Breaker for more information.
    You can select two item attributes. When an inspection status alert is created, these attributes will be shown on the Inspection Status Alerts list page. See Inspection Status Alerts for more information.
  3. In the Inspection Status Item Attribute 1 field, select the value of the item attribute.
  4. In the Inspection Status Item Attribute 2 field, select the value of another item attribute.

The setup for inspection status alerts is now completed.

Cue activities setup

You can select two inspection status codes to be shown in cues on the Role Center when theInspection Status role is used. These cues will show how many lot numbers with these specific statuses are currently present in your company.

  1. On the Inspection Status Setup page, on the Cue Activities FastTab, in the Inspection Status Cue Activity 1 field, select an inspection status from the list, e.g., Blocked, to shown on a cue in the Role Center.
  2. In the Inspection Status Cue Activity 2 field, select another inspection status from the list, e.g., Released, to shown on the second cue in the Role Center.
    The two selected inspection statuses are now shown in the cues on the Role Center when the Role Inspection Status is selected.
    The Inspection Status Setup is now completed.