Inspection Status List

Article06/08/20235 min read

The inspection status determines the availability of the inventory of a certain lot. This availability can be set for each inspection status. The inspection status codes are set up with a specification that indicates for which specific transactions the inventory of the lot numbers is blocked.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Inspection Status List, and then choose the related link.
    The Inspection Status List page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The new Inspection Status card page opens.

  3. On the General FastTab, in the Code field, enter a code for the inspection status.

  4. In the Description field, enter an explanatory text.
    All the possible document types that can be blocked are automatically created on the Line FastTab:

    Sales Pick: An error will follow if a lot is selected with an inspection status blocked for a sales pick in an inventory pick, a warehouse pick, or a warehouse shipment. The warehouse pick can’t be registered if such a lot is assigned. The sales order (where the used location is set up as “Direct Posting”), the sales invoice (where the invoice lines are created directly, not via Get Shipment lines), warehouse shipment, inventory pick, and the item journal with entry type “Sales” can’t be posted if such a lot is assigned.

    Sales Availability: When a lot is blocked for sales availability, it has the same restrictions as to when a lot is blocked for sales pick. On top of that, an error follows when such a lot is selected in a sales order, sales invoice (where the invoice lines are created directly, not via the action Get Shipment Lines), or in the item journal with entry type “Sales”.

    Production Consumption Pick: An error follows if a lot is selected with an inspection status blocked for a production-consumption pick in the consumption journal, a production journal, an inventory pick, or a warehouse pick. The warehouse pick can’t be registered if such a lot is assigned. The inventory pick, consumption journal, and production journal can’t be posted if such a lot is assigned.

    Production Consumption Availability: When a lot is blocked for production consumption availability, it has the same restrictions as to when a lot is blocked for production consumption pick. On top of that, an error follows when such a lot is selected in the production order component line.

    Transfer Pick: An error follows if a lot is selected with an inspection status blocked for a transfer pick in an inventory pick, a warehouse pick, or a warehouse shipment. The warehouse pick can’t be registered if such a lot is assigned. The transfer order (where the used location is set up as “Direct Posting”), warehouse shipment, inventory pick, and the item reclassification journal where the “new location code” is not the same as the “location code” can’t be posted if such a lot is assigned.

    Transfer Availability: When a lot is blocked for transfer availability, it has the same restrictions as to when a lot is blocked for transfer pick. On top of that, an error also follows when such a lot is selected in the item tracking lines of a transfer order or in the item reclassification journal where the “new location code” is not the same as the “location code”.

  5. Select the Blocked checkbox to indicate for which specific transactions lot numbers with this inspection status must be blocked.

Blocked status exceptions

Lot numbers that are (via an inspection status) blocked for a sales transaction due to quality reasons, are often still sold to a specific customer (group) who accepts these quality defects. It is necessary to specify which customer and/or customer groups should bypass these blockages for lot numbers that are blocked for Sales Pick and/or Sales Availability. The blockades for selecting the lot number and posting the document are bypassed in the sales order, warehouse shipment, warehouse pick and/or inventory pick. You can select a specific customer or a customer attribute.

  1. On the Inspection Status card page, on the action bar, select Actions > Blocked Status Exceptions.
    The Blocked Status Exceptions page opens.
    The Blocked Status Exceptions are valid for transactions of Sales type.
  2. In the Source Type field, if Customer is selected, fill the customer number in the Source No. field.
    You can also select Customer Attribute. See Advanced Attribute extension for more information.
  3. On the action bar, select New to create a new entry.
  4. In the Source Type field, select Customer Attribute option from the list.
    The Customer Attribute Name field is automatically filled with the customer attribute that is selected in the Exceptions Blocked status Customer Attribute field on the Inspection Status Setup page. See Inspection Status Setup for more information.
  5. In the Customer Attribute Value Name field, select a value from the list.
  6. Click OK.
    The Blocked Status Exceptions for this inspection status are now set up.
    The Exceptions field on the Inspection Status card page specifies how many exceptions exist for this type of transaction.
    The setup for this Inspection Status is now completed.