Inspection Status Alerts

Article05/08/20232 min read

Multiple alerts are created in the Inspection Status extension. These alerts can for example be used to send an email with Microsoft Power Automate or trigger another process in an external system (using Azure Service Bus). An alert is created when a lot number is created with an inspection status, or when the inspection status of a lot number is changed.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Inspection Status Alerts, and then choose the related link.
    The Inspection Status Alerts page opens.
    This page contains these details in the following fields:

    • The Creation Date field specifies the creation date time of the alert.
    • The Item No. field specifies for which item number the alert was created.
    • The Lot No. field specifies for which lot number the alert was created.
    • The Alert field specifies the action on which the alert is created, which can be on insertion or modification of the inspection status of the lot number.
    • The New Inspection Status field specifies the new inspection status after it has been changed.
    • The Inspection Status field specifies the old inspection status before changing it to the new inspection status.
    • The Reason Code field specifies the reason code that is used when changing the inspection status of the lot number.
    • The Send Status field specifies the status of this line when using Azure service bus.
    • The Result field specifies the result if the Send Status has failed.