What's new in version 2405.1.0.0
With this release of the Aptean Inspection Status extension, the following enhancements have been made to ensure compatibility with Business Central, version 26.
- The Power BI Report Spinner Part object has been made obsolete and replaced with Power BI Embedded Report Part on the following pages:
- InspectionStatusRoleCenterFDW
- BusinessManagerRCExt07FDW
- ProdPlannerRCExt07FDW
- SalesOrderProcessorRCExt07FDW
- The OnSummarizeInventoryFEFOOnAfterItemLedgEntrySetFilters event subscriber has been made obsolete and replaced with OnBeforeSummarizeInventoryFEFO on the WhseItemTrackFEFOSubscr07FDW codeunit.