Inventory overview page

Article12/06/20232 min read

The Inventory Overview page can be opened in 3 different ways:

  • From the Search bar: In this case, no filters are applied by default and the page has no data on display.
  • From the Item card: In this case, a default filter is applied on the Item No. i.e. the selected item. The page displays data for only the selected item no.
  • From the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) card: In this case, default filters are applied on the Item No., Location Code, and Variant Code based on the selected SKU. The page displays data for only the specific item no., location code, and variant code.

The Inventory Details – Quantity FactBox displays the following information associated with the item based on the defined filters.

Item No.Specifies the number of the involved entry or record according to the specified number series.
Variant CodeSpecifies the variant to which the item belongs.
Lot No.Specifies a lot number if the posted item carries such a number.
Location CodeSpecifies the code for the location that the inventory is linked to.
License Plate No.Specifies the License Plate number assigned for the selected line.
Quantity (Base)Specifies the quantity of inventory expressed in the base unit of measure for the item.
Quantity (KG)Specifies the quantity of the item in the Catch Weight unit of measure. The field is inherited from Catch weight Setup.
  • The Quantity (Base) field inherits the data from associated Item Ledger Entries for the defined filters.
  • The Quantity (KG) field inherits the data from associated Item Weight Ledger Entries.