Cut functionality in sales order

Article12/27/20231 min read

When you create a Sales Order and release it, the Cut functionality can be used to set aside a specific quantity of the order by maintaining the traceability of the Original Quantity and the Cut Reason. This functionality can be helpful in situations like lack of inventory, change of demand, or change in priority of orders for a specific product.

Follow the below steps to use the Cut functionality:

  1. On the Sales Order page, on the Lines FastTab, choose Line > Cut Order Quantity.
    The Cut Quantity page opens.
  2. In the Cut Quantity field, enter a value that you want to keep aside.
  3. In the Reason Code field, choose an option.
  4. Click OK.

You can also choose the Reason Code or make it mandatory by turning on the Cut Reason Code Required toggle and then choosing a value in the Default Cut Reason Code field on the General FastTab of the Sales & Receivables Setup page.

  1. On the Sales Order page, on the action bar, choose Home > Post.

Once you post the Sales Order, you can view the posted records on the Lines FastTab of the Sales Invoice page.