Processing Manifest

Article09/04/20247 min read

You can process a manifest record after defining the trading information, matching the information lines, and fixing all errors. Processing a manifest result in creating purchase orders using the Purchase Order Per field values.

You can create a purchase order based on one of the options, such as Pallet Type, GTIN, Container, Attribute, or File, in the Purchase Order Per field on the Manifest page, by clicking the Create Purchase Order action on the Actions menu of the Manifest page. This process helps you streamline purchasing, improve inventory management, enable more efficient data analysis, and reduce errors.

The following scenario describes how the order is created after specifying the manifest lines:

Scenario 1: If you choose GTIN as the reference for creating a purchase order, the system will create a separate order for each unique GTIN and summarize all lines linked with that GTIN for the item. For example, if a manifest record lists five unique GTINs, the system will filter and summarize the associated lines and generate five purchase orders for each.

Additionally, each GTIN number may have multiple pallet numbers, resulting in several lines in a single purchase order. The total quantity of each GTIN and pallet number combination will be displayed in the Quantity field by adding up the quantities of each line.

Scenario 2: If you choose Pallet Type as the reference for creating a purchase order, the system will create a separate order for each unique Pallet Type number and summarize all lines linked with the pallet type for the item. For example, if a manifest record lists five unique Pallet type numbers, the system will filter and summarize the associated lines and generate five purchase orders for each.

Additionally, each Pallet type number may have multiple GTIN numbers, resulting in several lines in a single purchase order. The total quantity of each GTIN and pallet number combination will be displayed in the Quantity field by adding up the quantities of each line.

Scenario 3: If you choose Containers as the reference for creating a purchase order, the system will create a separate order for each unique Container number associated with the item. All the lines for that specific container will be summarized, and the system will search for the unique combination of GTIN and Pallet Types, resulting in several lines in a single purchase order. The total quantity of each Container, GTIN, and pallet number combination will be displayed in the Quantity field by adding up the quantities for each line item.

Scenario 4: If you choose Attribute as the reference for creating a purchase order, the system will count the unique item numbers in the manifest lines. A purchase order will be created for each unique item number. For each purchase order, the system searches for unique combinations of lot attributes within all lines for the specific item. The total quantity of each combination of item and lot attribute values will be displayed in the Quantity field by adding up the quantities for each line item.


All eight lot attributes, including the value blank, will be considered, and the unique number of pallet types that exist per unique combination of lot attributes will be counted.

Scenario 5: If you choose File as the reference for creating a purchase order, the system will create one purchase order for all lines in the manifest record. When there are identical values in multiple lines, the lines will be grouped, and a summary of the quantity will be added and displayed. The total quantity of each Container, GTIN, and pallet number combination will be displayed in the Quantity field by adding up the quantities of each line.


You can view the total number of containers assigned for this purchase line in the Assigned Container(s) field.

Update Manifest

Use the Update Manifest function on the action bar of the Manifest page for each manifest line to update any lot number(s) and/or License Plate(s) contained within the Purchase Orders(s) in the manifest lines.


The Update Manifest action is activated only after the Purchase Order(s) have been generated.

  • The Destination Lot No field stores the lot numbers from the purchase order lines. If a single Lot is assigned, the respective lot number will be displayed. If there is more than one lot number assigned, it will show as Multiple Lots. To access the Lot Information Card page, click on this flow field value.
  • The Destination License Plate No field stores the license plate numbers from the purchase order lines. If a single license plate is assigned, the respective license plate number will be displayed. If there is more than one license plate number assigned, it will show as Multiple License Plates. To access the License Plate Card page, click on this flow field value.

Export Manifest

Use the Export Manifest function on the action bar of the Manifest page to export the processed manifest record into an Excel file.

If multiple lot numbers and license plates are assigned to the manifest lines, when exporting the manifest record, a single file with three sheets will be downloaded. The first sheet displays the manifest header information, the second displays the manifest lines information, and the third displays the multiple lot and license plate numbers. However, if there are no multiple lot and license plate numbers, the third sheet will not be included in the downloaded file.

Most Common Errors in the Import Process

Some of the most common errors encountered while importing the Excel or CVS file in the Global Trade extension are listed below, along with the solutions.

Duplicate file uploadEnsure that the file you are importing is not in another manifest. Suppose a duplicate file is detected during the import process in the Manifest and Archive Manifest header; you can either rename or delete the manifest file in which the file is already imported before attempting to import again. Alternatively, the import process could be configured to overwrite existing lines with the new manifest lines in the same manifest file.
Data ValidationsCheck whether each field contains the required values in the lines. Ensure that the designated field value is configured in the corresponding setup. For example, the vessel name mentioned in the import file must be defined on the Vessels page. Check if all the manifest lines have the same values for the following fields: Vessel, Shipping Company/Agent, Port of Loading, Port of Discharge, Departure Date, and Arrival Date.
Item and GTIN ValidationsCheck if the GTIN value assigned to the Item number in your system matches the GTIN value provided for that specific item.
Other Aptean Extension Error
Invalid Lot Attribute ValueCheck whether the specified lot attribute value is registered on the Lot Attributes page. Suppose a value is not registered; add it to the page or ensure the registered lot attribute value is acceptable for this field.
Pallet Type ValidationsVerify whether the Pallet Type on the manifest line is checked against the default packaging on the Item, and matches with the Packaging Code for the Shipping Type as a Shipping container. Additionally, check if the Source Type and Source Number are applicable for Order Bound records, and ensure that the Pallet Type matches the Packaging Type for the specific vendor. Verify whether the Pallet Type matches the Code and that the Shipping Type is the Shipping Container on the packaging table when there is no matching entry in the Default Packaging Types.

Manifest Error

Use the Manifest Error page to view errors recorded against a manifest. Access this page by clicking on the number displayed in the No. of Errors field on the Manifest page.

To view the error details related to one manifest line:

  • Click the number in the No. of Errors field on the Manifest line.

To view the error details related to the one manifest record:

  • Click the number in the No. of Errors field on the Manifest header.

This page allows you to make corrections by entering new values in the respective field. The system will check the updated values and display any remaining errors when performing the Apply Data function from the Actions menu. You can edit single or multiple lines and apply the changes accordingly.

Fields for Manifest Error Records

Manifest Line No.The line number on which the error was detected.
TypeThe type of error occurred, such as On Import, On Error Check, On PO Creation, or On Purchase Order Release.
Error TextThe description of the error.
Old ValueThe value that caused an error during the manifest file import or processing.
New ValueThe value that has been used to resolve an error.