Posted Documents

Article09/04/20241 min read

You can view the list of journeys associated with the posted documents and subsequently navigate to the relevant Journey card page. This function is available on various pages, including:

  • Posted Sales Invoices list
  • Posted Sales Invoice card
  • Posted Purchase Invoices list
  • Posted Purchase Invoice card
  • Posted Transfer Receipts list
  • Posted Transfer Receipt card
  • Posted Transfer Shipments list
  • Posted Transfer Shipment card

Posted documents actions

On the action bar, select Related > Journeys to view and access the list of journeys or archived journeys to which the relevant source document lines are/were assigned. If all the source document lines are assigned to the same journey or archived journey, this function directly opens the relevant Journey or Archived Journey card page. If the source document lines are assigned to multiple journeys, this function opens the Order Journeys page.

  • Turn on the Show Only Archived Journeys toggle to view only the archived journeys that were assigned to the source document lines. This toggle is turned on automatically if the journeys associated with all the source document lines have been archived.
  • On the action bar, select Show Document to navigate to the relevant Journey or Archived Journey card page.