
Article09/04/20249 min read

On the Manifest page, you can view the details of the unregistered manifests imported into the system using the Import Manifest File action.

Manifest header fields

The following fields are displayed on the manifest header:

No.The code for the number series is determined by the numbering sequence configured on the Manifest FastTab of the Global Trade Setup page, which is assigned automatically to the manifest record.
StatusThe status values in the manifest process correspond to different stages and impact the actions activated at each stage.
  • New – New manifest entry is created. Error Manifest – Excel file is detected with errors while importing.
  • Errors Purchase Order – Manifest document is processed with error. You can also view the Manifest Errors page by clicking the number in the No. of Error field and resolve the error.
  • Errors on PO Release – Purchase order is processed with error while releasing. You can also view the Manifest Errors page by clicking the number in the No. of Error field resolve the error.
  • Ready for Creation – Manifest record is ready for purchase order creation with no errors.
  • Orders Created – A purchase order is created as a result of a manifest.
  • Journeys Created – A journey, along with the associated purchase orders and container loads, is generated for the specific manifest according to the configurations set on the manifest.
Document DateThe file creation date usually corresponds to the current date.
Planned Receipt DateThe anticipated or scheduled date for the expected delivery or arrival of goods is specified.
Data Exchange Definition CodeThe code for the data exchange definition, used for field mappings, is inherited from the Data Exch. Definition Manifest field on the Global Trade Setup page by default. You can modify this value or create a new data exchange definition for the specific manifest. If this field is left blank, the default value is applied. To create a new data exchange definition, see Manifest Field Mappings.
File NameThe name of the imported file.
File LocationThe location where the imported manifest files are stored.
Purchase order perSelect the option based on which the purchase order should be created.
  • GTIN – The system creates a separate purchase order for each unique GTIN, as well as for each item that lacks a GTIN. Within each purchase order, lines will be generated for each combination of unique containers, pallet types, and lot attributes.
  • Container – The system creates a separate purchase order for each unique container. Within each purchase order, lines will be generated for each combination of unique pallet types with GTIN, items that lack a GTIN, and lot attributes.
  • Pallet Type – The system creates a separate purchase order for each unique pallet type. Within each purchase order, lines will be generated for each combination of unique containers with GTIN, items that lack a GTIN, and lot attributes.
  • File – The system creates a separate purchase order for the entire manifest file. Within each purchase order, lines will be generated for each combination of unique containers with GTIN, items that lack a GTIN, pallet types, and lot attributes.
  • Attribute - The system creates a separate purchase order for each unique GTIN, as well as for each item that lacks a GTIN. Within each purchase order, lines will be generated for each combination of unique containers, pallet types, and lot attributes.
DescriptionThe short description of the manifest file.
Vendor No.The vendor code is specified to identify the port authority from which the inventory will be shipped or received.
Vendor NameThe name of the vendor.
LocationThe code of the location where you want the items to be placed when they are received.
ErrorsThis is a count of the errors detected because of importing a manifest file. You can open the Manifest Errors page by clicking the number, e.g., “1” in this field.

Manifest line fields

The manifest header record has associated details lines that include the following fields. These fields display the translated values of the data from the imported manifest file. These translations are determined by the manifest translations that have been configured, aligning the data with the relevant values already present within the system. To set up the manifest translation, see Manifest Translations.

  • Port of Loading
  • Port of Discharge/Unloading
  • Departure Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Pack Date
  • Location Code
  • Vessel
  • Shipping Company
  • Container No.
  • Item No.
  • Item Description
  • GTIN

    When importing a manifest file, if it contains a value for GTIN, the system will verify this value against the GTIN field on the relevant Item Card page. If the GTIN field on the Item Card page is empty, the system will then verify the Item Reference Entries page. If the GTIN field on the Item Card page and the Item Reference Entries page are blank, the system will generate an error.

  • Quantity
  • Pallet Type
  • Pallet ID
  • No. of Errors
  • Comments
  • Destination Document table ID
  • Destination Document Type
  • Destination Document No.
  • Destination Document Line No.
  • Destination Lot No.

Other extension fields include:

When this extension is used in conjunction with Aptean Advanced Attributes extensions, the manifest lines will show the fields associated with those extensions.

Original Manifest line fields

The fields on the Original Manifest Lines FastTab are identical to the fields on the Manifest Lines FastTab. However, these fields display the unmodified values extracted directly from the imported manifest file without undergoing any translation. By analysing the two sets of information, you can determine whether any changes are required before registering the manifest.

Manifest Actions

The following actions are available on the Manifest card page:

Actions menu
Import ManifestImport an Excel or CSV file received from various suppliers into the system. The system generates the relevant manifest lines upon successful import (without any errors). These lines contain information populated from the file. This action is disabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Orders Created, Errors Journey, or Journeys Created.
Create Data Exchange DefinitionCreate a new data exchange definition specifically for the manifest. For more information, see Manifest Field Mappings. This action is disabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Orders Created, Errors Journey, or Journeys Created.
RecheckCheck over errors after making changes to the manifest data. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Errors Manifest or Ready for Creation.
Create Purchase OrderCreate a purchase order based on the option selected in the Purchase Order Per field. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Errors Purchase Order or Ready for Creation.
Create & Release Purchase OrderCreate and release a new purchase order that will be created based on the configuration set on the Manifest card page. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Errors Purchase Order or Ready for Creation.
Create JourneyCreate purchase orders, container loads, and journeys based on the configurations set on the Manifest card page. This function updates the status of the manifest to Journeys Created. To perform this function, the Purchase Order Per field should be set to Container. This function initiates the creation of purchase orders. Subsequently, it generates an equal number of container loads as purchase orders and assigns a container load to each purchase order. Additionally, it creates a journey and assigns all the container loads that have been created to it. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Ready for Creation, Orders Created, Errors On PO Release, or Errors Journey. For more information, see Create Journey.
Archive DocumentArchive the manifest record. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Orders Created or Journeys Created.
Update ManifestUpdate the lot number and/or license plate number in the Destination Lot No and Destination License Plate No fields on the Manifest lines inherited from the corresponding purchase lines. For more information, see Update Manifest. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Orders Created, Errors On PO Release, Errors Journey, or Journeys Created.
Export ManifestExport the manifest into Excel format. For more information, see Export Manifest. This action is enabled when the manifest is in the following statuses: Orders Created, Errors Journey, or Journeys Created.
Related menu
Purchase OrdersView and access the list of purchase orders created through the manifest.
JourneyView and access the journey created through the manifest.
Container LoadView and access the list of container loads created through the manifest.

Create Journey

The Create Journey action facilitates the creation and release of purchase orders, and the creation of container loads and journey. The outcome of this function depends on the status of the manifest and is based on the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Manifest Status – Ready for Creation

Step 1: Create purchase order When the manifest status is Ready for Creation, this action initiates the creation of purchase orders. If the system encounters issues and fails to create orders, the manifest status changes to Errors Purchase Order. At this point, the process stops.
Step 2: Release purchase order If the creation of purchase orders is successful, the system proceeds to release the purchase orders that are created. However, if issues are encountered when releasing the purchase orders, such as not all orders being released, the manifest status changes to Errors On PO Release. At this point, the process stops.
Step 3: Create journey and container loads If all purchase orders are successfully released, the system proceeds to create the journey and the associated container loads. If issues are encountered, the manifest status changes to Errors Journey.
If the creation of journey and container loads are successful, the manifest status changes to Journeys Created.

Scenario 2: Manifest Status – Orders Created or Errors On PO Release

Step 1: Release purchase order When the manifest status is Orders Created or Errors On PO Release, this action checks if all the related purchase orders have been released. If not, the manifest status is changed to or remains as Errors On PO Release. At this point, the process stops.
Step 2: Create journey and container loads If all purchase orders are successfully released, the system proceeds to create the journey and the associated container loads. If issues are encountered, the manifest status changes to Errors Journey.
If the creation of journey and container loads are successful, the manifest status changes to Journeys Created.

Manifests FactBox

The Manifest Summary FactBox is available on the Manifest and Archive Manifest page and list page.

The following fields are displayed in this FactBox:

Purchase Orders CreatedThis displays the total number of purchase orders created from the manifest.
Purchase Orders ExistThis displays the total number of purchase orders that exist after the process of posting and/or deletion. By clicking the number, e.g., 5, you can view the details of the purchase orders.
Purchase Order Lines CreatedThis displays the total number of purchase order lines that have been created.
Unique Manifest Pallet IDThis displays the total number of unique pallet IDs from the manifest.
Unique Manifest ContainerThis displays the total number of unique containers type from the manifest.