Lot No. Information

Article10/18/20231 min read

When creating purchase receipts through the Load action, the system automatically generates a new Lot No. Information Card and updates it with the associated container number, container load number, and the status of the journey. This ensures effective lot tracking throughout transportation.


This function works only for the container load line with the Purchase Order source type.

Lot No. Information fields

Journey StatusSpecifies the status of the associated journey. This field is initially set to Loaded when the Lot No. Information Card is created. This value gets updated along with the status of the associated journey.
Container No.Specifies the number that identifies the container associated with the Lot No. Information Card.
Container Load No.Specifies the number that identifies the container load associated with the Lot No. Information Card.

When the associated journey is archived, the fields mentioned above remain unchanged and won’t receive further updates.