Container Loads

Article10/18/20234 min read

Container loads facilitate allocating, loading, and organizing goods within shipping containers for efficient transportation. You can assign the goods to either new or existing container loads along with the designated container and journey for delivery. The container load includes essential information about the goods, shipping details, associated container, and journey.
You can assign the goods to the container load through the following pages:

  • Container Load
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Transfer Order

To assign a container load via sales order, purchase order, and transfer order pages, see Order pages.

To set up and assign the container load via the Container Load page

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Container Loads, and then choose the related link.
    The Container Loads page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new container load.
    Select the required No. to open the relevant container load.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Container No.Select the code of the container in which you intend to place the goods.
Journey No.Select the relevant journey number for delivering the goods. This field is editable only when the Container No. field has a value. Only journeys that have the Planned status can be selected. If the arrival point is selected before assigning the journey, the journey list will be filtered accordingly.
  1. On the Shipping Details FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Arrival PointSelect the relevant code of the delivery destination. If the journey is selected first, this field becomes non-editable, and the value is inherited from the selected journey.
Est. Arrival DateSelect the date when you expect the goods to be delivered. If the journey is selected first, this field becomes non-editable, and the value is inherited from the selected journey.
Container SealsEnter the code of the seal which you want to use to secure the container.
Ext. Container No.Enter the external container number that you want to display on the exterior surface of the container.
ISO TypeSelect the ISO code used as the standard identification of a shipping container. You can modify the value in this field even after it is inherited from the selected container.
Gross WeightSpecifies the total weight of the items in the container load lines.
Tare WeightSpecifies the weight of the empty container that is selected without any cargo or goods inside. This includes the weight of the container itself, as well as any additional parts such as latches, hinges, and seals. The value in this field is inherited from the selected container. You can modify this value even after it is inherited from the selected container.
Weight CapacitySpecifies the maximum weight that the selected container can safely carry without exceeding its structural limitations, which refers to the weight of the goods, including its packaging and any accompanying components or materials. The value in this field is inherited from the selected container. You can modify this value even after it is inherited from the selected container.
  1. On the Container Load Lines FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Source TypeSelect the type of source document, such as Sales Order, Purchase Order, and Transfer Order, where the item that you want to assign to the container load is involved.
Source Document No.Select the number of the source document. Only released source documents can be selected.
Source Line No.Select the line number (from the source document) for which you want to assign the container load.
Special OrderThis checkbox is enabled if any special order exists for the specific container load line. It is possible only if the Source Type is set to Sales Order.
Transfer Order No.This number is inherited from the transfer order that is created from the purchase order associated with this container load line. This field is visible only if the Source Type is set to Purchase Order and any transfer order is created from the relevant purchase order.
Transfer Order Line No.This number is inherited from the relevant line number of the transfer order that is created from the purchase order associated with this container load line. This field is visible only if the Source Type is set to Purchase Order and any transfer order is created from the relevant purchase order.

The following fields will inherit the values from the relevant source document:

  • Source No.
  • Source Name
  • Destination Location Code (only for purchase orders)

    If the Aptean License Plating extension is installed, both the Receipt Location of the selected Arrival Point and the Destination Location Code of the purchase order line must be either license plate tracked, or non-license plate tracked.

  • Item No.
  • Description
  • Quantity
  • Gross Weight
  • Special Order Purchase No.
  • Special Order Purchase Line No.

    You cannot assign a special purchase order line, created specifically for the sales order, to the container load line.

You can view the Journey Details FactBox, which provides insights into key aspects of the container load and associated journey, on the Container Loads list and Container Load pages. For more information, see Journeys.