What's new in version 2301.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20243 min read


With this release of the Aptean Global Trade extension, you can:

  • Assign the goods to the container loads to allocate them within the shipping containers and associate them with the journey. For more information, see Container Loads.
  • Create journeys, assign container loads to the journeys and track the entire process from the destination point to the arrival destination. For more information, see Journeys.
  • Assign the in-transit location for the containers being transported in the journey.
  • Assign numbers for the new journeys and container loads.

For more information, see Global Trade Setup.

  • Assign the receipt location in which the received items are stored during the loading process of containers into the vessel.
  • Choose the mode of transportation for delivering the goods in the vessel.
  • Use standard carrier alpha code to identify the shipping agent.

For more information, see Define codes for loading and unloading locations.

  • Create data exchange definitions directly from the Manifest and customize them to meet your specific requirements.
  • Flexibly arrange the columns of the manifest, using the Manifest Field Mappings function, in any order you prefer to match the layout of the manifest file you intend to import.
  • Set up translations for values on the manifest file that need to be imported into system values.
  • Create a journey directly from the manifest, along with the associated purchase orders and container loads.
  • View the unmodified values that are extracted directly from the imported manifest file without undergoing any translation on the Original Manifest Lines FastTab.
  • Ensure that the GTIN value on the manifest file matches the value on the relevant Item Card page or the Item References Entries page.

For more information, see Manifests.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The following pages are added:
    • Container Loads list
    • Container Load card
    • Archived Container Loads list
    • Archived Container Load card
    • Journeys list
    • Journey card
    • Archived Journeys list
    • Archived Journey card
    • Journey Logs
    • Deleted Reservation Entries
    • Manifest Field Mappings
    • Manifest Translations
  • A Journey & Container Loads FastTab is added to the Global Trade Setup page along with the In-transit location, Journey No. Series, Container Load No. Series, Receipt Location and Receipt Bin fields.
  • A Receipt Location and Receipt Bin field is added to the Un/LoCodes page.
  • A Transport Type field is added to the Vessels page.
  • A SCAC field is added to the Shipping Agents page.
  • A Create Data Exchange Definition action is added to the Global Trade Setup and Manifest card page.
  • The Create Journey action, Journey action, Container Load action and Original Manifest Lines FastTab are added to the Manifest card page.
  • The Global Trade Details FactBox and Journeys action are added to the following pages:
    • Posted Sales Invoices list
    • Posted Sales Invoice document
    • Posted Purchase Invoices list
    • Posted Purchase Invoice document
    • Posted Transfer Receipts list
    • Posted Transfer Receipt document
    • Posted Transfer Shipments list
    • Posted Transfer Shipment document
  • The Create Container Load, Remove Container Load and Assign Container Load actions are added to the following:
    • Sales Orders list
    • Sales Order document
    • Sales Order line
    • Purchase Orders list
    • Purchase Order document
    • Purchase Order line
    • Transfer Orders list
    • Transfer Order document
    • Transfer Order line
  • The Global Trade Details FactBox, Container Loads and Journeys actions are added to the following pages:
    • Sales Orders list
    • Sales Order document
    • Purchase Orders list
    • Purchase Order document
    • Transfer Orders list
    • Transfer Order document