View pooling details

Article07/05/20246 min read

You can view the pooling details of the settlement lines in the pooling line to understand how the summarized revenue, claims, or cost information were calculated, and in which documents the individual revenue, claims, or cost components were posted.

  • You can view the following fields on the Pooling Details page:

    TypeSpecifies the type of pooling detail line. The available options are:
    • Revenue: Indicates that it is linked to the pooling revenue line.
    • Claim: Indicates that it is linked to the pooling claim line.
    • Cost: Indicates that it is linked to the pooling cost line. The type of pooling detail line is filtered by default based on how you access the page.
    SubtypeSpecifies the subtype of the pooling detail line type.
    When the Type field is set to Revenue, the available options are:
    • Expected: The pooling detail line refers to a sales document that is not yet invoiced.
    • Actual: The pooling detail line refers to a value entry for revenue that resulted from a sales invoice.
    When the Type field is set to Claim, the available options are:
    • Expected: The pooling detail line refers to a sales document that is not yet invoiced.
    • Actual: The pooling detail line refers to a value entry for a claim that resulted from a purchase invoice.
    When the Type field is set to Cost, the available options are:
    • Expected: The pooling detail line refers to a value entry for a cost that still needs to be invoiced.
    • Actual: The pooling detail line refers to a value entry for a cost that resulted from a purchase invoice.
    SourceSpecifies the type of document for which this pooling detail line was created.
    When the Type field is set to Revenue, the available options are:
    • Sales Order
    • Sales Shipment
    • Sales Invoice
    When the Type field is set to Claim, the available options are:
    • Sales Return Receipt
    • Sales Credit Memo
    When the Type field is set to Cost, the available options are:
    • Purchase Receipt
    • Purchase Invoice
    Source Document No.Specifies the document number for which this pooling detail line was created. The document number always corresponds to the document type defined in the Source field.
    Source Document Line No.Specifies the document line number for which this pooling detail line was created. The document line number always refers to the document in the Source Document No. field.
    Source TypeSpecifies the type of the source, for example, customer or vendor.
    Source Document CategorySpecifies the value of the source document category for the selected pooling detail line. The available options are:
    • Return: Used for sales document lines of the item type.
    • Credit: Used for sales document lines of the charge (item) type.
    Source No.Specifies the source number, for example, customer number or vendor number.
    Source NameSpecifies the customer name associated with the Source Document No. field.
    Posting DateSpecifies the posting date of the item ledger entry shown on the pooling detail line. If the detail line does not refer to an item ledger entry, the posting date of the unposted document is displayed.
    Return Reason CodeSpecifies the reason code for returning or crediting the originally shipped items. The value comes from the sales document line from which this pooling detail line was created.
    Item Ledger Entry No.Specifies the item ledger entry number for which this pooling detail line is created.
    Item Ledger Entry TypeSpecifies the item ledger entry type for which this pooling detail line is created.
    Order TypeSpecifies the order type of the pooling detail line.
    Gross Revenue (Direct)Specifies the gross revenue from the specific source document. In all cases, this is calculated as the Unit Price field value in the sales document line multiplied by the Quantity field value in the sales document line.
    Discount Value (Direct)Specifies all types of possible discounts that are applicable to the specific sales document line. These can fall into categories like sales line discounts, invoice discounts, etc.
    Net Revenue (Direct)Specifies the direct net revenue of the sales document line, calculated as follows:
    Gross revenue (Direct) - Discount Value (Direct)
    FactorSpecifies the output factor associated with the item ledger entry. This value is retrieved from the line trace functionality of the settlement.
    Gross Revenue (Indirect)Specifies the Gross Revenue field value of the sale document line multiplied by the Factor field value. In case the lot number sold/shipped/invoiced on the sales document line is a production lot number, the value represents the proportion of the gross revenue that is allocated to this purchase lot/line trace, as opposed to other lot numbers that may have contributed to the production lot in the form of supplying consumption for it.
    Discount Value (Indirect)Specifies the calculated discount value of the sale document line multiplied by the Factor field value.
    Net Revenue (Indirect)Specifies the indirect net revenue of the sales document line, calculated as follows:
    Gross revenue (Indirect) - Discounts (Indirect)
    Item No.Specifies the value of the item number associated with the pooling detail line.
    Quantity (Base)Specifies the quantity of the item in the purchase UOM.
    Quantity (SU)Specifies the quantity of the item in the settlement unit of measure as defined on the Grower Return Setup page.
    Trade Plan No.Specifies the number of the trade plan under which the value entry was created that resulted in this pooling detail line.
    Trade Cost Posting TypeSpecifies the posting type of the trade cost. The available options are Empty, Standard, Expected, and Reversal.
    Item Charge No.Specifies the item charge number used in the value entry that resulted in this pooling detail line. Item charges can be used to post either costs or revenue which are picked up in the settlement calculation of purchase orders set to the pooling accounting method.
    Item Charge DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item charge number.
    Cost Amount (Actual)Specifies the amount of the value entry linked to the combination of the item charge code and item ledger entry number displayed on this pooling detail line.
    Pooling Cost AmountSpecifies the portion of the actual cost amount included in this specific pooling calculated as the Cost Amount (Actual) field value multiplied by the Factor field value.
  • On the action bar, select Show Documents to open the related document in which the selected pooling detail line exists.