Set up vendors

Article07/26/20242 min read

Vendors have specific setup on the vendor card to manage the process of creating settlements.


When it comes to invoice and payment related information like pricing method, and purchase prices, Business Central will always use the setup of the Pay-to vendor as opposed to the Buy-from vendor in purchase transactions. The Grower accounting fields described below work in the same way.

  1. Go to the required vendor card.

  2. On the Payments FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:

    Accounting MethodSelect one of the accounting methods: Grade Out, Pack Out, Account Sale, Pooling, or Blank for the vendor. The method chosen will be applied to the purchase orders of the vendor. For more information, see Understand accounting methods. If you leave the field as Blank, the value is picked up from the corresponding field on the Grower Return Setup page.
    Default Cost TemplateSelect the cost template code to use for cost allocation during settlement calculations.
    Default Cost Template NameSpecifes the description of the selected cost template.
  3. In the Settlement Grouping Type field, select the settlement grouping that will be default for the grower return transactions. For more information, see Settlement Grouping Type.


    You can also leave the Settlement Grouping Type field blank, which will mean the value is picked up from the corresponding field on the Grower Return Setup page.

  4. In the Invoice Grouping Type field, choose the invoice grouping that will be used for group settlements when creating the purchase invoices. For more information, see Invoice Grouping Type.


    You can also leave the Invoice Grouping Type field blank, which will mean that the value is picked up from the corresponding field on the Grower Return Setup page.